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Revision as of 19:27, 13 February 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Intro

Datatypes are defined base on requirements, properties of the class of objects.

This encompasses "constraints". Normally system validates these.

In ZK there are separate widgets for some datatypes: "intbox", "decimalbox", etc.

! This could/should be defined often "before" the UI - this is a property of class of corresponding object. So in this case link should be provided instead of repeating definition.

When defining widgets there is a required attribute to be defined: datatype/format.

Common CT2 datatypes - see:

[edit] Numbers

[edit] integer


  • 23
  • 1000
  • 0
  • -7896

[edit] positive integer

  • 23
  • 1000
  • 0

[edit] decimal

Also called (floating-point numbers)


  • 2.3
  • 1.0
  • 1.9083496
  • 100865.08E23

See also precision

[edit] Strings

[edit] alpha

Letters A to Z.

[edit] alphanumeric

The alphanumeric character set consists of the numbers 0 to 9 and letters A to Z.


  • hgTF9087GggyYg
  • book
  • 897

[edit] unicode


  • อักษรไทย
  • русский алфавит

[edit] ascii


  • jhg&$&^*&@dceUH!
  • Hello!
  • #234
  • 12-34-98698690

[edit] Other datatypes examples

Everything outside of common/standard is not a type really. It is a string of certain format/constraint.


  • Airline 3 Letter Numeric Code, possible value: 053
  • Master Airway bill, possible value: 222-7824-5587

[edit] Dates and Time

[edit] CT2 date

This date must be in the following format:

<Day>-<Month(first 3 letters)>-<Year>

Example: 17-Jan-2010

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