Delivery Order Air (User Guide)

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See example of template on #Figure 1. Delivery Order Air Template and respective pdf on #Figure 2. Delivery Order Air Pdf.

Commodity Table Section

Core functionality for this commodity table is derived from Generic Docs Commodity Table (abstract). This includes various manupulations of commodity table sections: Line Up, Line Down, Insert Line, Delete line, Clear, etc.

Specific functionality to this document is listed below.

Schematically this section is populated by data as shown on #Figure 3. Commodity Table.

  • If both [[Haz[[ and non-Haz content is present then system shows two blocks
  • If only Haz is present then B1 shows Haz info and B2 is empty
  • If only non-Haz is present then B1 shows non-Haz info and B2 is empty

Group generate case

  • In case of a group all numbers represent summary for a group
  • Description in case of a group is always taken from current CT


Other Sections


See Also

More details are in Delivery Order Air (Developer Guide).


Figure 1. Delivery Order Air Template

File:Delivery Order Air Template.JPG

Figure 2. Delivery Order Air Pdf

File:Delivery Order Air Pdf.JPG

Figure 3. Commodity Table

File:DO AIR Commod Table.JPG

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