Daily Report - Elizabeth Arden

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Parent Mantis


Business Needs and Requirements

This report is used to identify new shipments for the last 24 hours. This is a specific request report for Elizabeth Arden only.

Technical Specification


  • The result of this report is a number of CTs in the system that is generated daily for the last 24 hours or every date and time that user manages to send the report to Clients via email.
  • Report MUST include ALL records that are created since previous report
  • This report can be managed through the saved and Scheduled report for class report dropdown and set the satisfied filters
  • Report is a "re-occurring" report (not a one time report)
  • Report is based on Client Companies(E0)
  • Report shows date time stamp and how many records are found (number)
  • This report is almost similar to Daily report, but the heading on the spreadsheet is different also with the extra fields

User Interface

See #Figure 1. Schedule dropdown menu

Hard Coded Conditions

User Defined Conditions

  • See Figure 2 for general filters tab below
  • All filters are "multi select"
  • Check box in front of each filter. If filter is set, check box MUST be automatically checked vise versa
  • Filters consist of several groups
  • Every filter is connected by AND and sub selections inside each filter combo-box are connected by OR
    • For example: ((Client Companies = E.A. USA Domestic) OR(Client Companies = Elizabeth Arden)) AND ((Shippers = A-TESTCOMP - TestCity - test remark)OR(Shippers = ABC - HK - test))
  • If none of the filters are selected, generate ALL results.


  • Client Companies:
    • Mapped to list of E0 Client
  • Shippers:
    • Mapped to list of Shipper (T1)
  • Consignees:
    • Mapped to list of Consignee (T2)
  • Origin Countries:
    • Mapped to list of Origin country
  • Destination Countries:
    • Mapped to list of Destination country
  • Origin Regions:
  • Destination Regions:


  • Create output tab with list of output headings
  • These output headings are almost the same as Daily Report but label name and order differently
  • Required default headings on the combo box, the rest of headings are in drop down filter output list
  • List of headings #Columns Definitions

Columns Definitions

Sort By Definitions


  • Output is a spreadsheet
  • Spreadsheet tabs: There is ONLY one tab
  • Spreadsheet consists of Header, Body, and footer
  • Header:
    • Report name
    • Date Time Stamp
    • Criteria (list of filter(s) selected)
    • Jaguar Logo
  • Body: (general info)
    • Consists of columns and rows
      • Column: headings
      • Row: shipment records
  • Footer
    • There is no footer

Special Cases


Figure 1. Schedule dropdown menu


Figure 2. General Tab




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