Common specs for pdfs

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Paper size


Design and Specs

?? How to solve this problem? Is it easy?

Standard Header

It consists of:

  • Jag Office Logo (left)
  • Jag Office Address (right)

Domestic vs International Address


Change 1 Add option for "International invoices"


Standard Labels boxes etc

  • [lvb0] Most documents share same “Standard Labels, Values, Boxes” style
  • [lvb1] All labels must be bold and have ":" after them
  • [lvb2] all values in boxes must be left aligned. They should start not immediately after the vertical line but after some margin.
  • [lvb3] all labels must be - all capital letters
  • [lvb4] all labels must be on a gray background
  • [lvb5] example link: TBD
  • [lvb6] exact CSS definitions link: TBD

Date and Year

[dy1] Must be always in the following format (Example): 15 May 2009

Textbox or Textarea input validation

see below

Textbox size validation

Q: How to handle situation when string entered/populated into textbox / textarea (Example: Special Instructions) above does not fit into the correspondent space on pdf?

A: In this case (as on any pdf) for each single or multiline textbox/textarea there must be a max number of characters/lines determined and:

  • displayed (next to the label) (example: "max 70 chars on one line, max 4 lines")
  • validator must be added that "prevents user from entering more" OR "displays pop-up indicating that max reached". Any other alternative ideas?

Textbox size

  • newss The size of the textbox (number of visible characters) on template must be equal to the size on pdf. This size could be discovered by experimenting with different pdf outputs. --Alex 03:38, 30 June 2009 (UTC)

Pdf zul template layout and size

  • 1] Must mimic layout on pdf
  • 2] Size of textboxes must reflect space on pdf

Commodity Table Section

See this article: Commodity Table for Pdfs

Common bugs and changes

  • 1] correct: CBM, wrong: CB
  • 2] correct: PCS, not HU (table header)
  • 3] correct: "TOTAL:", not "TOTALS:"
  • 4] correct: PICK-UP / XXXX wrong: PICK UP/XXX
  • 5] HU on pdf not aligned vertically
  • 6] print: Marks & Numbers, not: "CONTAINER NR"
  • 7] no need for "AS AGENTS FOR:" on pdf footer (footer that has name/signature/date)
  • 8] replace "FOR DELIVERY TO:" with "DELIVERY TO:"

PO logic

Added: --Alex 23:13, 21 June 2009 (UTC)

  • PO list comes into template from Commod Table (from one or multiple CTs if Group Generate)
  • pre-fill PO field on template based on this logic:
    • if one PO then display it
    • if 2 PO then display both separated by ",". Example: a112233, a1234
    • if more than 2 PO then display first two separated by "," and "++" after . Example: a112233, a1234, ++
  • display only first 30 chars on pdf and ignore the rest, do not display any errors
  • on template next to "P.O. Numbers:" add label in red "(max 30 chars will be displayed on pdf)"

Instructions page

created:--Alex 23:28, 21 June 2009 (UTC)

  • 1] Some documents have so called "Instructions page" (formerly "Page 2").
  • 2] On template it is represented by checkbox and 1 page large teaxtarea
  • 3] on pdf this would always print as last page
  • 4] on pdf text must be surrounded by a single line (be printed inside rectangle)
  • 5] at the top of this page doc header must be printed

Multipage logic

created --Alex 23:28, 21 June 2009 (UTC)

  • 1] In some cases document would consist of more than one page. Examples:
  • 2] Print "Page x of y" - at the top right below header on each page
  • 3] Print "see next page" - at the bottom right
  • 4] print special header for each additional page (see specific doc spec)
  • 5] print special footer for each additional page (see specific doc spec)

Standard Footer

started --Alex 00:40, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

At this point the only footer we use is centered gray sentence: ""

Special instructions

  • 1] It is page wide, several lines tall textarea.
  • 2] must appear once at the bottom of last page

Received in good order by

  • 1] section consists of "Issued by: ..." sub-section on th left and "Name / Signature / Date" on the right
  • 2] must appear once at the bottom of last page

RFC Terms and Conditions footer

It was suggested to have “Terms and Conditions section” to be a part of a pdf footer.

Q: We need to define: 1) what exactly to print 2) on what documents.

Blocking pdf gen

In some case system must block pdf generation:

  • some contents are unassigned in commod table

Rel 1.1

chg: 'Blocking pdf gen' feature

  • ss1 // . The “block” for issuing documentation, when not all contents are assigned to a container (ocean) should be for HBL only.(marc). In docs where commod table is structured "per container" apply logic:
    • If at least one line in CT.ContTab.CommodTable is unassigned then print nothing in "Marks and Numbers" column and in "Description" column in pdf all numbers (# of pallets, etc) for entire would be totals for all commodities for CT/group (assigned and unassigned)


HU (Handling Units) = Ttl # of plts + Loose pkgs
AMS number = Ttl pkgs on plts + Loose pkgs 
  • ss1 // For some pdfs for commod table we need to add choice to print instead of HU number (as we have now) AMS number (Ttl pkgs on plts + Loose pkgs)
  • ss2 // all we need is dropdown with 2 options "HU, AMS" (similar to cbm/lb)
  • ss3 // no need to change label on pdf or print unit of measurement
  • ss4 // Do this For: HBL, MBL, Cargo Manifest
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