What Is And How To Write CT2 Spec

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What Is It

CT2 Spec is a "portal" for specific CT2 component that contains documented requirements/design/etc. It is a part of CT2 Wiki.

Top Down Approach, Correct Workflow, Collaboration

It is important to understand that wiki spec for component is one article but:

  • multiple team members contribute to it
  • there is a correct "flow": for example Business Requirements section must be written before Detailed Design section and if BR section is updated again then Detailed Design must be updated accordingly

How To Write It

Examples of "well written" (but not ideal!) CT2 spec:

Creating a new article

See also


This section contains not yet approved ideas.

Creating a new version of the spec

  • Assume that article name is: Aaaa Bbbbbb Ccc
  • If you believe that old version should be preserved then:
    • Create new article named: "Aaaa Bbbbbb Ccc v2"
    • In article "Aaaa Bbbbbb Ccc":
      • set background "olive"
      • add "orange" link to "Aaaa Bbbbbb Ccc v2"
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