From UG
- This is a very frequently used report
- It lists all shipments in the system grouped by undefined / live / delivered / archived
- Each group of CTs mentioned above is listed under a separate tab: undefined / live / delivered / archived
- Path: CT Home, Main Toolbar > List CTs
- see example here: TBD
- mantis id = 756
- mantis link: TBD
Definition of LIVE DELIVERED ARCHIVED shipments
live - never
delivered - never
archived - never
- CT is "live" if the following conditions are met:
If MOT is AIR then ActualDeliveryDate in Import Tab must be empty.
MOT = oceanLCL: ImportTab.ActualDeliveryDateDATEBOX is empty
MOT = oceanFCL: ComTable.ContainerTable.ActualDeliveryDateDATEBOX is empty (for at least one container)
MOT = truckAir: GenTab.y.ActualDelivery: is empty
MOT = truckOcn: GenTab.y.ActualDelivery: is empty
MOT = truckDom: GenTab.y.ActualDelivery: is empty
- 3) CT is "delivered" if the following conditions are met:
MOT = air: ImportTab.ActualDeliveryDateDATEBOX is not empty
MOT = oceanLCL: ImportTab.ActualDeliveryDateDATEBOX is not empty
MOT = oceanFCL: ComTable.ContainerTable.ActualDeliveryDateDATEBOX is not empty (for all containers)
MOT = truckAir: GenTab.y.ActualDelivery: is not empty
MOT = truckOcn: GenTab.y.ActualDelivery: is not empty
MOT = truckDom: GenTab.y.ActualDelivery: is not empty
- 4) CT is "archived" if the following conditions are met:
MOT = air: ImportTab.ActualDeliveryDateDATEBOX value is 6 month (or more) older than todays date
MOT = oceanLCL: ImportTab.ActualDeliveryDateDATEBOX value is 6 month (or more) older than todays date
MOT = oceanFCL: ComTable.ContainerTable.ActualDeliveryDateDATEBOX value is 6 month (or more) older than todays date(look at ActualDeliveryDate for ALL containers and compare the most recent value with todays date)
MOT = truckAir: GenTab.y.ActualDelivery: value is 6 month (or more) older than todays date
MOT = truckOcn: GenTab.y.ActualDelivery: value is 6 month (or more) older than todays date
MOT = truckDom: GenTab.y.ActualDelivery: value is 6 month (or more) older than todays date
version 2.0
- 0000757 [Ops.CT.ListCTs] v2 :
- If containers are present in container table: display 1 cont. or 10 cont.(no need to specify size(s)/type(s) entered.
- (if a line was used/saved showing a type/size but no container number, count as 1 container -> each (saved) "line" of container table counts as 1 container for this specific purpose.
- If no containers entered in the container table: dispay pallet count
- If no pallets entered in contents table: Display carton count
- If no containers, no pallets, no cartons, do not display any "quantity"
- "Volume Weight (kg)" = Chargeable Weight
- new layout here:
ver 2.1
- 0000910 [Ops.CT.ListCTs] add unit type, etc
- add tooltip for cont#