CT2 Wiki

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Revision as of 17:43, 22 January 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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CT2 Wiki (homepage address: http://mantis.jaguarfreight.com/wiki/Main_Page) is web based knowledgebase for CT2 Software Development Project.

It is based on wiki platform.

It is used for:

  • documenting CT2 requirements and systems specifications (specs)
  • project management articles
  • other related knowledge useful for CT2 Team

CT2 wiki standards

Creating a new article

  • Pick the right name. Ideally article name should consist of several words separated by spaces.
  • Link it to category. There is a category tree that starts [Category:CT2]

Standard sections

== Business Needs and Requirements ==
== Specs ==
== Use cases ==
== QA ==
== Look And Feel ==
== RFC ==
== Tweaks == 
== Dev ==

Creating a new version of the spec

  • Assume that article name is: Aaaa Bbbbbb Ccc
  • If you believe that old version should be preserved then:
    • Create new article named: "Aaaa Bbbbbb Ccc v2"
    • In article "Aaaa Bbbbbb Ccc":
      • set background "olive"
      • add "orange" link to "Aaaa Bbbbbb Ccc v2"

Standard Section for spec


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