Generic Spec Template

From UG

Revision as of 16:45, 22 January 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Prerequisites, Classified As, Parent Mantis

  • Prerequisites:
    • read ...
    • ...

Business Needs and Business Requirements

  • This section is defined by Business Analyst
  • In this section this component/feature is defined from the business standpoint. All important points are listed. It could include some design details if business insists on specific design.

Technical Notes from Systems Architect

  • This section is defined by Systems Architect. It is written after #Business Requirements are defined.
  • The purpose of this section is to give direction to System Analysts who will write detailed specification.

Technical Specification


Objects and Fields

User Interface and Functionality

Special Cases and Misc

Look And Feel


Figure 1:

Questions and RFC

Known Non Critical Bugs

Links to Archived / Old specs


This doc has been created


Re-design (Tweak) (Spec Update): ..... <summary> .....

<wiki date/signature>

  • mantis: <link>
  • Biz Req updated? N/Y
  • Tech Spec updated? N/Y



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