Prepared By And Date

From UG

Revision as of 17:12, 21 January 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Prerequisites, Classified As, Parent Mantis

  • Classified As: common feature
  • Parent Mantis: tbd
  • Prerequisites:
    • read ...
    • ...

Business Needs

Business Requirements

Every Jaguar document should have info about:

  • who generated this document
  • when it was generated

It seems that we agreed to always have this as a "standard re-usable block":

  • will look the same on all docs:
  • Example:
Prepared By: John Smith
Issue Date: 12 Dec 2010
  • will be in the same area of every doc: at the bottom left

Comments from Systems Analyst

Technical Specification


User Interface and Functionality

Entities and Attributes

Special Cases and Misc

Look And Feel


Figure 1:

Questions and RFC

Known Non Critical Bugs

Links to Archived / Old specs


This doc has been created


Re-design (Tweak) (Spec Update): ..... <summary> .....

<wiki date/signature>

  • mantis: <link>
  • Biz Req updated? N/Y
  • Tech Spec updated? N/Y


Prepared by

  • [pb1] Must be always at the bottom of the page (on every page?) and in the following format (Example): "Prepared by: Robert Link "
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