Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)

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Parent Mantis


Business Needs and Requirements

Technical Specification


This is a sub class for all Docs Commodity Tables, MOT = FCL.


  • User will not generate pdf with unassigned commodities.

User Interface and Functionality

Use case A: CT No Group No Master 2 ctnrs 3 commods

Example: see Figure 1,2,3.

This is the simplest case:

  • only one CT
  • CT does not belong to any Master
  • CT does not belong to any Group

Use case B: 2 CTs Grouped No Master No Container overlap

Example: see Figure 4,5,6.

This case is built upon previous. We grouped CT from Case A with additional CT that has one container.

But still no Master.

Use case C: 2 CTs Grouped In a Master No Container overlap

Let's add group in case B to empty Master.

In this case (Master exists) system should give same result as in #Use case: 2 CTs Grouped No Master No Container overlap

Use case D: 2 CTs Grouped In a Master One Container overlap

Now let's expand once more on previous case. Let's:

  • add CCCC container to CT# *11
  • add one more commodity in CT# *11 to container CCCC


Look And Feel


Figure 1: FCL Commod Table CT No Group No Master 2 ctnrs 3 commods (Cont Tab)

File:FCL Commod Table CT No Group No Master 2 ctnrs 3 commods (Cont Tab).JPG

Figure 2: FCL Commod Table CT No Group No Master 2 ctnrs 3 commods (Template)

File:FCL Commod Table CT No Group No Master 2 ctnrs 3 commods (Template).JPG

Figure 3: FCL Commod Table CT No Group No Master 2 ctnrs 3 commods (Pdf)

File:FCL Commod Table CT No Group No Master 2 ctnrs 3 commods (Pdf).JPG

Figure 4: 2 CTs Grouped No Master No Container overlap (Cont Tab CT2)

File:2 CTs Grouped No Master No Container overlap (Cont Tab CT2).JPG

Figure 5: 2 CTs Grouped No Master No Container overlap (Template)

File:2 CTs Grouped No Master No Container overlap (Template).JPG

Figure 6: 2 CTs Grouped No Master No Container overlap (Pdf)

File:2 CTs Grouped No Master No Container overlap (Pdf).JPG

Figure 7: 2 CTs Grouped in a Master One Container overlap

File:FCL 2 CTs Grouped in Master One Container overlap (Cont Tab 300011).JPG


Known Non Critical Bugs and Issues

  • does it matter where / how CT# is displayed - before or after descr, etc?


Old spec

See Commodity Table for Pdfs


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