Intro into CT2 DB
From UG
Contents |
Acc tables
- Curr and Exch Rates:
- CC:
- tblChargeCode
- Purchase Inv:
- Sales and Internal Inv:
- TOC table (Air, Ocean; Imp Tab)
- Client accounting properties:
- tblChargeBackInvoice - discontinued?
Admin Users and Companies
Remaining tables
| mymfavorites |
| tblAddressBillToParty |
| tblAddressCompanyCity |
| tblAddressJaguarVendor |
| tblAddressTransportation |
| tblAirShipment |
| tblAirline |
| tblAirport |
| tblAlwaysBCCEmails |
| tblAuthorizationMethod |
| tblAuthorizationMethodSettings |
| tblBusiestSeaPort |
| tblChargeBackInvoice |
| tblClient |
| tblClientCompany |
| tblClientCompanyGroup |
| tblClientCompanyGroupRelation |
| tblClientMode |
| tblClientUser |
| tblClientUser2AddressTransportation |
| tblClientUser2Region |
| tblClientUserWatchList |
| tblClientsGroup |
| tblClientsGroupRelation |
| tblCommentsMailedTo |
| tblCommodity |
| tblCommodityDisplaySettings |
| tblCommodityItem |
| tblContainer |
| tblContainer2Master |
| tblContainer2Shipment |
| tblContainerSize |
| tblContainerType |
| tblCountry |
| tblCurrencyExchangeRate |
| tblCurrencyExchangeRateChange |
| tblCustomer |
| tblCustomsStatus |
| tblDailyQuotes |
| tblDefaults |
| tblDeliveryDateTypes |
| tblDeliveryLocation |
| tblDropClientTops |
| tblDropCountryTops |
| tblEmailQueryHistory |
| tblEmailQueryHistoryCCAddresses |
| tblEstimatedTransitTime |
| tblFDAStatus |
| tblGenericShipment |
| tblGenericUser |
| tblGroupObjectPermission |
| tblHandlingRemark |
| tblHandlingUnit |
| tblJaguarOpsGroup |
| tblJaguarOpsGroupClientRelation |
| tblJaguarOpsGroupCompanyRelation |
| tblJaguarUser |
| tblJaguarUserBCCList |
| tblJaguarUserGroup |
| tblJaguarUserType |
| tblLoose |
| tblMailTemplates |
| tblMaster |
| tblMasterComments |
| tblMasterCommentsMailedTo |
| tblMasterOcean |
| tblMasterPDFReports |
| tblMasterTransportMode |
| tblMoveType |
| tblOceanModeType |
| tblOceanShipment |
| tblOffice |
| tblOnPallets |
| tblPDFReports |
| tblPackagingCommodityType |
| tblPackagingPalletType |
| tblPackagingType |
| tblRSSNewsFeeds |
| tblRegion |
| tblReport |
| tblReportRecipient |
| tblSeaPort |
| tblSecuredUrl |
| tblShipline |
| tblShipment2ClientCompanyGroupRelation |
| tblShipment2ClientCompanyRelation |
| tblShipmentComments |
| tblShipmentDateHistory |
| tblShipmentGroup |
| tblShipmentLog |
| tblShipmentTemplate |
| tblShippingTerm |
| tblStandardComments |
| tblSteamshipline |
| tblTableOfCharges |
| tblTestimonials |
| tblTransportMode |
| tblTruckingShipment |
| tblUSAstate |
| tblUndefinedShipment |
| tblUnitType |
| tblUpdateLogRecord |
| tblUploadedFiles |
| tblUserGroup |
| tblUserGroupObject |
| tblUserRole |
| viewArchivedShipmentId | | viewClientGenericShipment | | viewClientGenericShipmentId | | viewClientOceanShipmentDetails | | viewClientShipmentCommodities | | viewClientShipmentCommodityItems | | viewClientShipmentContainers | | viewClientTruckingShipmentDetails | | viewClientUndefinedShipmentDetails | | viewClientUserConsignees | | viewClientUserDeliveryLocations | | viewClientUserDestinationRegions | | viewClientUserOriginRegions | | viewClientUserPickUpLocations | | viewClientUserShippers | | viewClientUserShippingTerms | | viewClientWatchList | | viewGenericShipment | | viewGenericShipment_new | | viewPurchaseInvoice | | viewPurchaseInvoiceChargeCode | | viewPurchaseInvoiceExtended | | viewPurchaseInvoiceStatus | | viewPurchaseInvoiceWithStatus | | viewPurchaseInvoiceWithStatusExtended | | viewReport | | viewShipment | | viewShipmentContainersInfo | | viewShipmentInvoice | | viewShipmentTemplateInfo | | viewTransportationCompanyCity | | viewVendorCompanyCity | | viewVisibilityClientCompany | | viewVisibilityClientCompanyGroup | +----------------------------------------+ 154 rows in set