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Revision as of 22:39, 17 December 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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2009 December

Dec-17: John Mills Ltd - first UK client to be migrated as of Monday 12/21

--Alex 22:39, 17 December 2009 (UTC)

Dec-17: Xpedx Lynchburg account will be a CT2 ONLY account as from Monday December 21st.

--Alex 15:27, 17 December 2009 (UTC)

Dec-16: We are aiming to migrate over all JML CT1 users to CT2 on Monday (21st)

--Alex 17:16, 16 December 2009 (UTC)

Dec-15: (!) Xpedx Lynchburg demo tomorrow

Please be aware that we will demo CT2 to our client Xpedx Lynchburg tomorrow (Dec 16th) at approximately 12noon EST.

--Alex 14:41, 15 December 2009 (UTC)

Dec-11: (!) Third group of client companies will be migrated between Dec 17/19.


The following clients will migrated CT2

  • C&N
  • MorreTec
  • L. Lawrence
  • JM Smuckers
  • Basic Fun
  • FPI Plastics
  • World Casings

The process will be as follows:

1. Create test accounts for each clients, and OPS will review/update the information to ensure CT2 is current/up to date

2. Any existing CT1 in-transit reports will be migrated over to CT2, CT1 reports will be disabled

3. Active user accounts, if any, will be disabled in CT1 and transferred over to CT2

NOTE: Please make sure that Client Application that is linked to is up and running 24x7

Dec-9: Plan for urgent bug#0001571: After creating Credit Note system displays invoice pdf incorrectly


This is an update for urgent bug # 0001571: (Sales&Intern) After creating Credit Note system displays invoice pdf incorrectly (header from invoice, TOC from credit note)

  • Jaguar will hold off on issuing any credit notes in CT2 until Monday Dec 14th
  • Bug fix is scheduled to be released into production by Monday Dec 14th
  • We have to "recover" ONLY invoices for credit notes generated *after* CT2 Accounting lunch: Nov 09.
  • Re-entering will be done manually by resources allocated in each local Jaguar office
  • Dev Team must provide facility in CT2 to edit invoices. Ideally included in "Monday Dec 14th Emergency Release". If not then included in the next regular Release.
  • IT will send backups of correct pdfs for invoices issued until Dec 1 - we do not have pdf files in electronic format for invoices issued after Dec 1. Instead paper based copies have to be discovered and used.
  • This is approved by Simon

--Alex 23:56, 9 December 2009 (UTC)

Dec-9: (!) Second Client Company (Xpedx in Lynchburg) will be migrated this Wednesday (Dec 16th)


  • Jaguar President intends to demo CT2 Client App to our client Xpedx in Lynchburg this Wednesday (Dec 16th). This client has four (4) active users.
  • Please make sure that Client Application that is linked to is up and running 24x7


--Tira 04:27, 9 December 2009 (UTC)

Dec-7: (!) First Client Company (Pak2000) will be migrated this Tuesday (Dec 8th)


  • Jaguar President intends to demo CT2 Client App to our client Pak2000 this Tuesday (Dec 8th) at approx 11.30am (EST), and then have them use CT2 from Wednesday onwards as their primary program. This client has three (3) active users.
  • Please make sure that Client Application that is linked to is up and running 24x7
  • If we are going to run Client App on .2 server then this server must be up 24x7


--Alex 04:27, 7 December 2009 (UTC)

Watch and due Mantis fields

  • "Watch" field now contains Sprint number and scheduled Release Date for that Sprint. It indicates Sprint during which task is planned to be completed and released.
  • "due" field now indicates week of the month for the month that is selected in Watch. For example if Watch=s3:feb2 and due=8-14 then it means that developer/QA are planning to complete this task during the 2nd week in feb (between feb 8 and 14)

Dec-3: (!!!) SVN Migration has been re-scheduled for Fri, Dec 4 (early morning or later Novosib time)

  • SVN will be in read-only mode from Fri, Dec 4 (early morning or later Novosib time) to possibly Dec 7 or 8 or 9 depending on how successful we are with migration.

--Alex 15:50, 3 December 2009 (UTC)

SVN Migration is scheduled for Monday, Dec 7 (8 am Kiev time)

  • Pls make sure you commit all your code before 8 am Kiev time (Noon Novosibirsk)
  • SVN might not be available for 1-2 days

2009 November

SpecQA goal: complete all high/med tasks by Dec 15

Attn: Developers / Sys Analysts,

Tira and I agreed on this goal:

Complete all high/med tasks in SpecQA by Dec 15. This is to be able to create advanced plan for several months ahead. I would like to repeat that this is the most important task for the next 2 weeks (Of course this is AFTER we successfully release Dec 1).

Let me know if you have any questions.


SpecQA and Future Planning

Attn: Developers / Sys Analysts,

We need to plan all Sprints in advance. In Sprint Plan we want to include only estimated and passed Spec QA tasks.

Next Sprints are:

  • Sprint#1 (Dec 1-15)
  • Sprint#2 (Dec 15-30)
  • Sprint#3 (Jan 1-30)
  • Sprint#4 (Feb 1-28)

The goal is to review, estimate enough tasks:

  • for Sprint#1 by(on) Dec 1
  • for Sprint#2 by Dec 15
  • for Sprint#3,4 by Dec 30

Tasks must be reviewed / estimated in the order of priority. Urgent tasks first, then high, then med, etc.

All these tasks are assigned to specific developer and live in SpecQA mantis folder. As usual if you have questions set feedback/assigned to Sys Analyst. And if you finished then set task as completed and leave it in SpecQA folder.


--Alex 19:25, 28 November 2009 (UTC)

Release to Staging has been moved AGAIN to earlier date: Fri, Nov 27

--Alex 21:02, 26 November 2009 (UTC)

Mantis folders re-organized

--Alex 22:31, 25 November 2009 (UTC)

I re-organized mantis folders. These are the folders that you should see:

Tasks assigned to developers in SpecQA mantis folder (important!)

Developers are going to be assigned tasks in SpecQA. This is not for immediate coding! This is to QA the spec. Developers have to:

  • set as accepted/started
  • review task / read spec
  • set emh
  • set risk
  • if there are questions - set to feedback, assign back to sys analyst (Alex or Tira)
  • set as completed and leave it in specQA

After they pass your QA at some point they are going to appear in the Next Sprint folder which contains all tasks planned fro Next Sprint.

Release to Staging has been postponed until Monday, Nov 30

(Nov 24, Tue) from Alex

  • We postponed because we want to test/fix all other reports as much as possible, not just List CTs/In Transit
  • Priorities:
    • p1) In Transit / List CTs
    • p2) Main, Where Is, Daily
    • p3) 6 internal reports
  • I assume we can test Staging in one day and if no critical bugs found - we release into Production on Tuesday, Dec 1

Reminder: Thursday/Fri are holidays in the USA this week

(Nov 24, Tue) Alex

December Sprint - radically new approach

(Nov 24, Tue) from Alex This time we are dead serious about long term planning:

  • Sprints period will be 1 month not 1 week as before
  • Release to production will be always done once a month (before th 1st of the month)
  • All specs must be completed, estimated and pass QA
  • It will be very important not to over promise
  • Currently PM Team is reviewing all tasks with stakeholders and assigning urg/high/med/low priorities to each task. After that each task will be assigned tentatively one of the Sprints in Dec, Jan, Feb, Spring, Summer
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