PL Tab

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User is able to see Profit/Loss (P/L) report through CT profile via clicking P/L tab

Latest Version

  • PL tab contains:
  • tables of Invoices and Amounts related to current CT.
  • additional controls for specific actions.
  • Look and feel of PL tab can be different in CT and Master Editor.
Figure:Example of PL tab

Sales Invoices table

  • Contains list of Sales Invoices (SI) that were issued against the current CT either individually or via Group
  • Consists of columns:
  • Issuing Office - Jaguar Office issued the Invoice
  • Bill To Party Company - Bill To Company billed by Jaguar
  • Invoice # - Invoice Number
  • CT # - current CT Number
  • Date - Issuing Date
  • Currency - Currency of the Invoice
  • Amount* - Total Amount in Currency of the Invoice
  • USD Amount* - Amount of the Invoice converted to USD

Purchase Invoices table

  • Contains list of Purchase Invoices (PI) that were distributed to the current CT either individually or via Master
  • Consists of columns:
  • Receiving Office - Jaguar Office billed by the Invoice
  • Vendor - Company issued the Invoice
  • Invoice # - PI Number
  • CT # - current CT Number (distributed by the Invoice)
  • Date - Date of issuing the Invoice
  • Currency - Currency of the Invoice
  • Amount - Total Amount in Currency of the Invoice
  • USD Amount* - Amount of the Invoice converted to USD

Internal Invoices table

  • Contains list of Internal Invoices (II) that were issued against the current CT either manually or automatically during Gross Margin Split (GMS) process
  • Consists of columns:
  • Issuing Office - Jaguar Office that issued the Invoice from
  • Receiving Office - Jaguar Office that issued the Invoice to
  • Consolidated # - Consolidated Internal Invoice issued by the system
  • Invoice # - CT2 II Number
  • CT # - current CT Number
  • Date - Date of issuing the Invoice
  • Currency - Currency of the Invoice
  • Amount - Total Amount in Currency of the Invoice
  • USD Amount* - Amount of the Invoice converted to USD

Profit/Loss Amounts table

  • Contains list of Jaguar Offices with appropriate Sales, Purchase and Internal amounts.
  • Consists of columns:
  • Office - Jaguar Office
  • USD Sales - total of all related Sales Amounts
  • USD Purchase - total of all related Purchases Amounts
  • USD Int from - distributed GMS charges (from Office)
  • USD Int to - distributed GMS charges (to Office)
  • USD Profit/Loss* - actual Profit/Loss for current CT (can be calculated for individuall CT or CT group)

Additional Controls

  • "Type" radiogroup - provides to select a type of Amounts calculation on PL tab (available only in CT editor)
  • CT Individual - if selected, the Amounts will include sales and costs distributed to current CT only
  • CT Group - if selected, the Amounts will include all values assigned to Group to which current CT belongs
  • "Download to Excel" button - provides an ability to download the XLS copy of PL tab
  • "Close/Open Shipment" button - provides the changing of OC status of current CT

Additional Notes

  • NOTE 1: Amounts in columns marked with * are displayed without VAT - this noted in top-right corner of PL tab with " * VAT has been excluded from amounts".
  • NOTE 2: Number of every Invoice is a hyperlink to open PDF form of the Invoice (SI, II) or Invoice Editor (PI).

CT Editor

Displaying of Invoices and Amounts depends from the selected type of calculating (Individual or Group).

Master Editor

Contents all invoices from all CTs included to Master.


Example with 3 currencies

File:Pl with 3 currencies.JPG

Example with one currency EUR

File:Pl with one cur euro.JPG



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