Acc Etc

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[edit] Info


This mantis contains bits an pieces related to accounting:

[edit] Freight Invoice Section On Arrival Notice

[edit] Business Needs and Requirements

This section will serve as an invoice to a broker who in turn will bill a customer.

Still operator will issue Sales Invoice (through the Invoice Tab) with the same set of charges. He can do it because Import tab "remembers" charges.

Invoice is issued for 2 reasons:

  • to enter charges into Jaguar accounting system (QuickBooks in NY) we need "invoice number" and Arrival Notice does not have invoice number
  • same as above on a side of a customer

??? Potential for error! operator can edit TOC on template. Also can edit Import Tab TOC after these charges have been printed on Arrival Notice.

Who is using:

  • This is often used in France
  • Phi for Basic Fun
Figure: Freight_Invoice_Template (for NY office)
  • This is an amendment to Arrival Notice Air and Ocean.
  • There is an optional section on these 2 documents.
  • see Fig File:Freight_Invoice_Template.JPG

[edit] Table Of Charges

  • Description:
    • Imp Tab.TOC.lineX.CC Descr
  • Currency:
    • Imp Tab.TOC.lineX.Curr
  • Amount:
    • Imp Tab.TOC.lineX.Amount
    • (alex: why editable??? Simon: for now keep it as is )
  • Totals - should display all totals and VAT lines as on Imp Tab:
    • Sub-Total (in every currency used)
    • Total Subject to VAT (in Grand Total currency)
    • Total Non Subject to VAT (in Grand Total currency)
    • VAT Amount (in Grand Total currency)
    • Grand Total, read only
  • checkbox:
    • if checked then Do not print Table Of Charges

! See also Arrival_Notice_Air

[edit] Acc Access Levels

[edit] Restricted Accounting Access

Credit Holds

Currency and Exchange Rates - All Aspects (except viewing)

Unit Types - All Aspects - This is not being used in the system currently & it has been suggested to hide this menu item as it might be beneficial for future use. --Denise 09:08, 21 November 2011 (EST) See 3123

Charge Codes - All Aspects

Purchase invoices - deleting

[edit] Mid Level Accounting Access

Entering and Editing Vendor/Customer

Approving Credit notes

Add Credit Facilities in CT

Currency and Exchange Rates - viewing

[edit] Non- Restriced Accounting Access

Purchase invoices - adding, editing

Reports - all aspects

[edit] Address Book Bill To Tab

Display Exchange Rates Checkbox

  • Display exg rates or not on Sales invoice

(todo: explain....)

[edit] Acc Client Profile

[edit] Business Requirements

We need to maintain a number of accounting related parameters in Client Company profile.

Credit Terms:

  • Credit terms are the time limits you set for your customers' promise to pay for their merchandise or services received. (in number of days)

Credit Status:

  • (low, severe, etc)

Credit Limit:

  • Sales invoice total ??? (in USD)

Depending on values above system would take appropriate action after operator creates CT/M for given client.

This is "Acc Info" section of Client Profile.

Path: Admin > Clients > Acc Info

[edit] Version 2.0

1) Dropdowns "credit status", "cr limit", "cr terms" need to be managed through Admin

2) Add functionality related to "credit status", "cr limit", "cr terms": if bad credit status then CT must be approved by manager.

[edit] VAT

[edit] Business Needs and Requirements

[edit] Systems Design

[edit] Summary

[edit] User Interface and Functionality

[edit] VAT option for office profile
  • "VAT Enabled" checkbox
  • "VAT Amount (%)" textfield
[edit] TOC with VAT on Sales Inv / Imp Tab
  • IF logged in user is from Office where VAT=Y
THEN TOC on Sales Invoice / Imp Tab should have VAT related features on it

[edit] Figures

[edit] Figure 1. VAT Office profile


[edit] Figure 2. TOC with VAT on Sales Inv / Imp Tab


[edit] History

[edit] 0003123: (Acc Misc) Hide "Unit Types" from Acc Menu

Mantis: 3123

Unit Types is not being used in the system currently. It was used for Charge-Codes early, but now are not. It was suggested that hiding access to Unit Types window, rather then delete it completely, because it could be useful in future.

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