KPI v2

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KPI module consists of the following components:

Internal App Components

Client App Components

  • [[]]

KPI Admin

Consists of:

KPI Settings Panel

Edit KPI Panel

KPIs link

KPIs Homepage

WMQY selector

Radio type control that has 4 values:

  • Wk
  • Mo
  • Qtr
  • Yr

Selection will affect what is displayed on all panels.


KPI class Tab

Individual KPi selector

Summary Panel

Settings Panel

Left Panel

Top Right Panel

Bottom Right Panel

Volumes class

CPU class

Lead Times class

LO class

Shipments Per Lane KPI

  • label: "Weekly/ Monthly Avg Shipments per Lane"
  • definition: This shows how many shipments there are on average per lane per week or month
Weekly: Weekly Average   
Monthly: Month Average   
Quarter: Total Quarter Count - divided by 3 month (average per month)   
Annual: Total annual count - divided by 12 month (average per month)
  • hint label:
If "period" is 3 weeks or less, show the "average shipment for this week"   
If "period" is 1 month or more: Show  'average shpt count per month for this period'  
Formula 1 
Average shipments per lane = number of Shipments / number of Lanes
Note: above is for specific timeframe, for specific filters applied
Example 1.
Shnt#  Shipper  Consignee
CT1     A           X
CT2     A           X
GRP1    B           Y
GRP2    A           X
GRP3    B           Y
GRP4    B           Y
unique lanes: AX, BY
number of shipments = 6
number of lanes = 2
average shipments per lane = number of shipments / number of lanes = 6/2 = 3

Left panel and Top Right Panel

  • one KPi value per week/month/quarter/year
  • for data for 2011, 2012, 2013 (partial), ordered, latest at the top

Bottom Right Panel:

EU class

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