CT Editor

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Revision as of 17:57, 20 August 2013 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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  • parent: 1650
  • category: CT Editor

Business Needs

Analysis and Solution


SOW 1 Replace confirm pop-ups with Status Line

mantis: 4269


  • Replace confirmation pop-ups with "status line" messages
  • Example of such pop up: "Shipment is saved [OK]"
  • Location of status line: above tabs

SOW 2 Sync Orig and Dest Countries with Orig and Dest door fields

mantis: 4191


For all MOTs:

  • populate Origin/Dest Countries from Pickup/Delivery location
    • when Pickup/Delivery location is assigned/changed
    • only if Origin/Dest Countries are empty
    • do it for entire CT group
  • apply script for old recs to populate Origin/Dest Countries from Pickup/Delivery location
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