Client Company

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Revision as of 16:48, 22 March 2013 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Business Requirements

Solution v1


List of companies and company profile

File:Client companies v1.JPG

File:Client companies profile v1.JPG

Client Company Group

Commissions functionality

Sales Person

Jag user who receives commissions for this Company's profit.

Sales Person Start Day

Day from which Sales Person receives his commission.

  • If Sales Person is set then this date must be set. Produce error pop up on save if not: "Error: Sales Person Start Day must be set! [OK]"
  • If Sales Person is changed but date remains the same (check on Save) produce Warning pop up on save:
    • "Warning! Sales Person is changed but Sales Person Start Day remains the same! Are you sure? [Y][N]"
      • [Y] - continue, save
      • [N] - go back to edit mode



  • 0000780: (*ph1)(Admin Client Companies) Implement "archive" function feature
  • implement "standard CT2 archive functionality"
  • if Client Company is archived then:
    • hide it on Create CT page
    • show it with everywhere else (with archive logo or print "archived" next to the name) where we have Clients lists


SOW 3 Client Company to Bill To link

mant: 4078


Core Need

To identify what charges belong to specific Client Company.

Will be used in CPU/Total Cost KPIs, etc.

See KPI#SOW 52 Cost v2 wiki.

Associate Client Company with Bill To List

Add list of Bill To Parties as an attribute to Client Company entity.

Mock Up

File:Bill to.JPG

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