Est Tab

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  • 0004050: [DR/KPI] Estimation of Sales and Cost


SOW 1 Re-design estimation module


spec: see below

In a nutshell:

  • create new way of submitting estimated sales and cost
  • remove/rework existing code (that links to what we have on Est Tab)
  • position Est Form on Est Tab (CT Editor)
  • incorporate estimation form on Imp tab into a new module
  • data collected will be used in various reports: CPU KPIs, etc
  • also ** WE NEED A LINK BETWEEN "E0 CLIENT" AND "BILL TO PARTIES" ( ??? Marc pls explain this again, how it will work and why we need this)

At a user level:

  • it has one form that consists of two TOCs:
    • sales
    • cost
  • these 2 tables are unrelated
  • tables have same columns except 2nd column:
    • CC
    • Bill To (in Sell Charges table) vs Vendor (in Costs table)
    • Description
    • Qty
    • Rate
    • Amount
    • currency
  • See mock up below:

SOW 2 charges should populate Est tab automatically

mant: 4062


Every time we get XML with charges from Desc TMS we store them in DB. Same time we should display them on Est Tab.


  • what cc code it will populate? I assume one of 15XX codes
  • do we distribute charges across CTs in the load? Based on what CBV type? Gross Weight?
  • charges that come from TMS are not editable in CT2 internal by operator? Or editable? Can they add lines too?


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