DR KPI Phase 3

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parent: 0003930

timeline: desired by Simon as Apr 1 but not sure it is enough time

DR KPI classification

Cost per unit (CPU)

a. Cost per Lb b. Cost per Kg c. Cost per Item d. Cost per Pallet e. Cost per Carton f. Cost per chargeable Weight (air) g. Cost per container (FCL) h. Cost per CBM (LCL)

Lead Times

a. Created to delivered b. Approved to delivered c. Created to Approved d. Approved to pick up e. Pick up to delivery f. On Time performance (OTIP) g. Created to Cargo Due h. Approved on Date to Cargo Due i. Basic to Super planner approved k. Time to update


a. Shipment Count b. CTs count c. Gross KG Shipped d. Cartons count e. Pallets count f. Container count g. CBMs count h. Chargeable weight count i. Total Spend

Lane Optimization

a. Average shipments per lane (per week, per month)

Equipment Utilization

a. KGs per shipment b. LBs per shipment c. Pallets per shipment d. CBM per shipment e. Avg Pallets per container (FCL) f. CBM per container


a. Overlap Equipment Utilization against CPU b. Overlap Lane Optimization against CPU

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