Misc tech notes

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Data transfer in Navicat

  • Services:
    • My Computer > Right click > MAnage...
  • Data transfer through Navicat
Tools > DAta Transfer
In this order:
- tables, proc, views (several times until no errors)
(set Tools > DAta Transfer > Advanced > continue on errors = check)

webapps location on .6



  • mysqldump --help

mantis config strings

array(selection, edit, priority, id, sponsorship_total, bugnotes_count, attachment, status, last_updated, custom_CT2comp, custom_Rel.Date, summary)

array(selection, status, custom_T,custom_ds, custom_emh, custom_due, id, summary)

Mantis wiki: Customizing Columns in View Issues Page


This recipie explains how to customize the columns to be viewed in the View Issues page. In the case where a column is specified in the list of columns to be viewed, but the code determines that such field is not applicable or is turned off via configuration, the column won't be viewed.

Column Names

Following is a list of columns to select from:

 * selection - The tick box that allows the selection of the bugs to perform a group operation on.
 * edit - The pen that allows opening an issue in Edit mode.
 * id - The issue id.
 * project_id - The project name
 * duplicate_id - The id of the last duplicate set for an issue.
 * reporter_id - The reporter of the issue.
 * handler_id - The handler of the issue (i.e. the person assigned the issue).
 * priority - The issue priority.
 * reproducibility - The issue reproducibility.
 * projection - The issue projection.
 * eta - The issue fix eta.
 * resolution - The issue resolution.
 * target_version - The issue target version.
 * fixed_in_version - The issue fixed in version.
 * view_state - The issue view state (private vs. public).
 * os - The OS to which the issue applies.
 * os_build - The OS Build to which the issue applies.
 * platform - The platform to which the issue applies.
 * version - The product version to which the issue applies.
 * attachment - The column that identifies whether an issue has attachments.
 * category - The issue category.
 * severity - The issue severity.
 * status - The issue status.
 * last_updated - The issue last updated time stamp.
 * summary - The issue summary.
 * bugnotes_count - The number of notes associated with the issue.
 * custom_xyz - Custom field with name "xyz".
Fields viewed by default

Following are the fields that are viewed by default:

 * selection
 * edit
 * priority
 * id
 * sponsorship_total - this field won't be shown if 'enable_sponsorship' configuration option is set to OFF.
 * bugnotes_count
 * attachment - this field won't be shown if 'show_attachment_indicator' configuration option is set to OFF.
 * category
 * severity
 * status
 * last_updated
 * summary
Using Custom Functions

In versions prior to 1.1.0a1, using custom functions was the only option to customize the columns to be viewed in View Issues page. For more details about this option this [entry].

Using Configuration

In Mantis 1.1.0a1, support was implemented to allow customizing the columns to be viewed via the configuration. This in addition to web based configurations allows a very easy way to configure the columns to be viewed for all projects, for a specific project, for a specific user, or for a user/project combination.

 * Click "Manage" from Main Menu.
 * Click "Manage Configuration" from "Manage" sub-menu.
 * "Configuration Report" will be selected by default.
 * Scroll to the form at the bottom of the page.
 * Select the user to which the change applies or "All Users".
 * Select the project to which the change applies or "All Projects".
 * Type "view_issues_page_columns" in the "configuration option" field.
 * Leave "Type" field set to "Default".
 * Set the "Value" field to an array of the column names to be shown.  See "Column Names" section for a complete list of options.  An example:

array ( 'selection', 'edit', 'priority', 'id', 'sponsorship_total', 'bugnotes_count', 'attachment', 'category', 'severity', 'status', 'last_updated', 'summary' );

 * Click "Set Configuration Option".

Changes in 1.1.2

The "Manage Configuration" page has changed behaviour in 1.1.2 because of the the security fix detailed in [8976]

The correct value to use for the above example starting from 1.1.2 is: array( selection, edit, priority, id, sponsorship_total, bugnotes_count, attachment, category, severity, status, last_updated, summary )

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