Purchase Invoices

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  • 1] System provides facilities for entering, editing, reporting on incoming (purchase) invoices (PI).
  • 2] Related sub-components are:
    • PI profile
    • Incomplete PI Report
    • Search PI Report

PI Profile

User Interface Overview

See example below: http://mantis.jaguarfreight.com/svn/ct2/SS/acc/PI/v4/PI_form2.JPG

It consists of the following sections:

  • navigation/actions (Save, New, Back, etc)
  • sec A – General Fields
  • sec B – Table Of Charges (TOC)
  • sec C – Table of Masters Distribution (TOMD)

= General Fields

[f] PI.profile.GenInfo fields

     Vendor - single select, values = [Admin.AddrBook.VendorsTab];
           all categories V1, v2, … combined;
           default = blank;
     Receiving Office
     Date – date/time – datebox and timebox, read-only
           default – current date and time (when new inv created)
           when opened for edit, time would be updated to current time, what about date??
     Exchange Rate to USD

Table Of Charges (TOC)

     It is used to assign portions of total PI amount to specific CT or Master and attach specific CT to that amount.
     Total for TOC must be equal to PI total
     After CC is selected system would pre-fill M or I into M/I dropdown. But this could be changed any time by user
     If M is selected system expects Master number identified (by entering M directly or any CT that is a part of Master). In this case PI.TOC.lineX.Amount would be splitted accross CTs in this Master based on CBV%. See CBV definition below.
     If CT is selected then charge would be mapped against that CT

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