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Exec Summary



CT.Ocean.PickupOrder pdf

Section A (logo+addr)

a1] This is a standard Logo + Jag address pdf banner.

Sec B (CT fields, etc)

b1] This section have a number of fields pulled from CT/group. See this image

b2] Note:

  • green dot means - this field is read only on template
  • orange dot means - in case of group generate this field comes from CT from which this template is generated
  • blue dot means - in case of group generate this fieldmust show accumulative info from all selected CT

b3] kg/lb dropdown must convert on the fly

Section C (PO/SKU table)


a) How many PO/ItemCode textboxes should be on template?

   As many as there are in CT/group --Alex 21:54, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

b) Do we need ability to add additional PO/ItemCode textboxes on template?


c) If there are more PO/ItemCode in CT than we can display on template, what to do with the rest?

see d) below

d) If there are more PO/ItemCode pairs than we can fit on the first page on pdf do we need second page? If yes then What is the 2nd page design?

 Note: PDF with today's fonts & fields can contain 10 rows х 3 cols = 30 --Andrei 19:50, 30 June 2009 (UTC)
If there are more PO/SKU pairs than can fit on one page then on template and pdf deisplay this: 
"Additional PO/Item #'s are included in this shipment, and could not be displayed on this document."

e) For Group generate case how to form list of PO/ItemCode from multiple CTs? What if it is very large?

Take PO/SKU from current CT first and then from any additional selected CT in no particular order.

V 1.1

  • ss1 // this doc was released for ocean. It should be available for all modes, including “undefined”. Mapping:
    • Pick Up/Collection:
      • ocean=ImpTab.CargoLocation;
      • air=ImpTab.CargoLocation;
    • Delivery To:
      • ocean=ImpTab.DeliveryAddress;
      • air=ImpTab.DeliveryAddress;

Dev History

Specs folder with all versions/history: http://mantis.jaguarfreight.com/svn/ct2/SS/ops/pdfs/ocean_indiv_ct/Pickup_Order/

--Alex 23:38, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

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