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Core Need

To automate sending invoices from Jaguar to 4Pole. At the moment we send a paper version at the end of the day. We want to send them electronically.


With EDI established invoice should be transmitted the moment it is generated (without any extra review). If it needs to be batched then bundle could be sent once a day but not less frequently than that.

We should offer 4Pole various options for EDI.


Mantis 3710

Project Overview

In order to comply with European Union Customs Security Program, 4Pole has requested that Notice Of Arrivals (NOA) be transmitted electronically between parties. Currently, JFS London & Paris would generate a Notice Of Arrival (NOA) in CyberTrax2 and send the PDF notice to 4Pole via email. 4Pole would then enter in the information manually into their system.

4Pole has requested that we automate this process. They employ a custom built system that currently supports electronic transfers of NOAs. Unfortunately, they do not have a set standard for this interface as each party has it's own nuances.

The objective of this project is to eliminate manual entry of NOAs by 4Pole and to comply with EU Customs Security Program requirements.

Project Stakeholders & Roles

Jaguar Freight Stakeholders

  • Simon Kaye - CEO - Project Sponsor
  • Marc Selter - VP - Product Manager
  • Alex Dobrovolsky - Director of Technology - Solutions Architect
  • Perry Lee - CT2 Support Manager
  • Wassila Tahrichi - Account Manager

4Pole Stakeholders

  • Ramiro Dias (ramiro.dias@4pole.com) - 4Pole Customs Director
  • Guy [pronounced Gi] Gerthoffer (guy.gerthoffer@4pole.com) - 4Pole IT Director - Technical Point of Contact
  • David Trouche (david.trochu@4pole.com) - 4Pole Operations & Traffic Manager
  • Rejane Poitrimo (rejane.poitrimol@4pole.com) - 4Pole Customs Manager

Project Scope

<Identify in-scope and out-of-scope items>

The below items are in scope of this project:

  • Electronic transfer of NOA data elements to 4Pole
  • User Interface changes to allow JFS users to transmit NOA to 4Pole
  • User Interface to display EDI log
  • Provide ability to re-transmit NOAs

The below items are out-of-scope of this project:

  • Implement business process changes

Project Dependencies

<Identify internal and external dependencies to the project>

High-Level Timelines

<High-level milestone dates>


<Identify internal and external risks to the project: schedule, resources, technical, business, cost, market conditions, external vendors/partners, etc..>

Assumptions / Constraints

<Identify all assumptions and constraints for this project>

Business Requirements

<List each business requirement under a separate heading. Also include process flows (UML, Sequence Diagrams, Swimlane, Flow chart, etc..) as applicable>

Business Requirement 1...

Business Requirement 2...

Business Requirement 3...

Business Process Flow 1...

Business Process Flow 2...

Business Process Flow 3...

Functional/Non-Functional Requirements

<Identify all functional and non-functional requirements. Maintain standard headings. If a specific requirement is not required, note as Not Applicable. Each functional requirement must trace back to a specific business requirement.>

CyberTrax2 Internal Application

<Identify all functional requirements for CT2 Internal Application>

User Interface Requirements

Reporting Requirements

User Access / Security Requirements

Logging Requirements

Group / Master Requirements

Filtering Requirements

Archiving Requirements

CyberTrax2 Client Application

<Identify all functional requirements for CT2 Client Application>

User Interface Requirements

Reporting Requirements

User Access / Security Requirements

Logging Requirements

Group / Master Requirements

Filtering Requirements

Archiving Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements

<Identify all non-functional requirements for both CT2 Client Application and CT2 Internal Application>

Performance Requirements

Capacity Requirements

Support / Maintenance Requirements

User Guides
Log(s) Accessibility

Testing Requirements

Security Requirements

Technical Design & Solution

Mock ups

<Include mock-ups of UI changes, report changes, etc..>

Technology Stack & Architecture

<Include changes to existing Technology Stack & Architecture - new libraries, updated library versions, new software/hardware, new interfaces, etc..>

Technical Diagrams (Flow Chart, Sequence, UML, Systems Architecture, Technical Architecture, Data Architecture, etc..)

<Include architecture diagrams and flow charts>

Web / Application (New/Modified classes, methods, etc..)

<List new or modified classes and methods>

Database (DDL changes - new/modified tables, indexes, stored procedures, etc..)

<Summarize database changes>

Configuration (Config File changes)

<Summarize config changes>

Logging (Log File changes)

<Summarize Log File changes and locations>

External Interfaces (EDI Message(s), external vendors)

<Identify any new external interfaces. Include sample request and reply along with field definitions. Include Source/Target server(s)/webservice(s) and functional accounts. If this is a modification of an existing EDI message, include samples of current message(s) and new message(s)>

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