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Mantis 3547 http://ct.jaguarfreight.com/mantis/view.php?id=99
Code Branch To Be Determined
DEV Environment To Be Determined
QA Environment To Be Determined
SIT Environment To Be Determined


The primary objective of International Portal (I-Portal) is to create a platform for CyberTrax2 to transform into Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) system that Jaguar Freight Services can offer as a fee-based service to external clients. Clients would be able to manage all aspects of their shipments from within CyberTrax2 for both domestic and international shipments. The portal should provide client users with the ability to create shipments, approve shipments, track shipments, etc.. This will streamline a business process of submitting and approving shipments and seamless communication at Elizabeth Arden. It is proposed to provide a web portal that can expand to cover other modes of transportation for international shipment as an additionfrom truck domestic shipments portal. Required software is a tool that allow a supplier to enter an Elizabeth Arden international traffic order as well as planner to approve shipments for transportation and additional features for automated system.

The portal must be web accessible, secure, user-friendly, flexible, and scalable. The portal must also take into account data visibility rules (Clients will only be able to edit/view their own data) and system performance. This portal is mimic from ASN portal (Trucking domestic portal for Elizabeth Arden)

There are a number of features that should be postponed and released in phase two. This was done to launch international portal with core features with/without automated Purchase Order Event Management as soon as possible.

Functionality Overview

High Level Deliverable

  • Flexible Entitlements Management System
  • Flexible admin functionality for each user role
  • User Interface Templates
  • User visibility
  • External user Specific Reporting
  • Search/where is record(s) report
  • Download to Excel
  • Sorting ascending/descending
  • Internal user Specific Reporting
  • Dashboard/KPI
  • Download to Excel
  • Optimize current CT2 Client performance


  • Existing ASN portal should support two additional user roles for international shipments:
  • Shipper (a.k.a. Supplier)
  • Planner (a.k.a. EM)

Core Shipper User Functionality:

  • Manual creation
  • Create CT record
  • Edit CT record
  • Delete CT record
  • View CT record
  • Notifications
  • Appropriate visibility
  • Automated Purchase Order Event Management
  • See POEM
  • Edit CT record
  • Delete CT record
  • View CT record
  • Submit to create CT record
  • Notifications
  • Appropriate visibility
  • Flexibility admin for shipper's functionality

Core Planner User Functionality:

  • Single approval process
  • View CT record
  • set "approval status" on selected CT record
  • notifications
  • appropriate visibility
  • Double approval process
  • View CT record
  • set "approval status" on selected CT record
  • notifications
  • appropriate visibility
  • Auto approval
  • After record creation X hrs
  • Flexibility admin for planner's functionality

Client Functionality and Changes:

  • should not be affected
  • shipment becomes available on client for client visibility rule

Core Jaguar User and Cybertrax Internal Functionality:

  • non jaguar user profile will have 3 roles defined
  • Client
  • Shipper (International portal and Domestic portal)
  • Planner (International portal and Domestic portal)
  • Jaguar User will see new additional fields
  • Jaguar User will see only shipments on Live tab when the CT has been approved by a planner or auto approved by system with rule set in admin
  • Jaguar User will see shipment with MOT or without MOT
  • Logic will be provided for each use case such as:
    • Jaguar user can edit MOT
    • MOT becomes read only field by approval process for MOT from portal
    • System automatically assign MOT with some criteria
  • constraint on how many lines commodity table might have
  • some fields might become read only
  • additional report
  • dashboard report for approved shipments by modes with ability to create a group shipment
  • validation
  • Jaguar User will be able to create a group from list of shipment
  • etc

Project Stakeholders & Roles

  • Simon Kaye - CEO - Project Sponsor
  • Marc Selter - VP - Product Manager
  • Alex Dobrovolsky - Director of Technology - Solutions Architect
  • Montira Renfrew - CT2 Systems Analyst/ CT2 Project manager
  • Konstantin Ushakov - CT2 Software Developer (Elcosol)
  • Denise Guastella - CT2 Support Manager

Project Scope

<Identify in-scope and out-of-scope items>


  • SAS 70 & ISO27001 Compliance
  • Web Application Penetration Tests
  • High Availability (HA) Disaster Recovery environment(s)
  • 100% integration of both Internal CT2 & Client CT2
  • Functional & Non-Functional gaps in Internal CT2

Project Dependencies

  • POEM project
  • DR/KPI project

High-Level Timelines

<High-level milestone dates>


<Identify internal and external risks to the project: schedule, resources, technical, business, cost, market conditions, external vendors/partners, etc..>

  • Flexibility to implement to support many different workflows require more time
  • [Extermal Risk] Without customers' requirements or feedback, it will be hard to guess what to implement and this is high risk in term of cost, resources that we offers something that they do not want
  • [External Risk] Elizabeth Arden can have different workflows inside the company for different users, systems may not be able to meet all the workflows. Need to make all different workflows to meet a few workflow standard as to avoid implementing too complex and too specific workflow for each individual users.

Assumptions / Constraints

<Identify all assumptions and constraints for this project>

Business Requirements

Figure 1: Supplier/Shipper automatically generates CT record(s) by submitting P.O. to ASN portal. See diagram below.

Figure 2: Reject CT that was submitted from POEM

Figure 3: Supplier/Shipper manually generates CT record(s) similar workflow as Truck-Dom portal. See diagram below.

BR 1. Core International Shipper Functionality

BR 1.1 Creating Shipper User and Shipper Profile

Admin - all CTs are created by specific Shipper user must have:

  • MOT
  • Include mode [Y/N]
    • IF [Y]
      • THEN Default MOT is selected
      • OR THEN Allow shipper to assign MOT
    • IF [N]
    • THEN MOT is read only when it is available on the view shipment
      • MOT is not available for shipper to edit, only when planner or Jaguar operator assign the MOT
  • E0. Client Company
  • Relationship: one to many (one shipper: many E0. Client company)
    • Phase I: Start with one shipper: one E0. Client company
    • one portal: one shipper: one E0. Client company
  • Shipper
  • Relationship: single selected, one shipper company
  • Shipments Weight in [LB/KG]
  • Default value
    • LB only
    • KG only
    • KG and LB
  • Currency in [USD/EUR/GBP/HKD]
  • Default value
    • single select or multiple select option
  • CT Creation
  • IF POEM = [Y] THEN requested P.O. are automated available to submit to create a CT record
  • IF Manual = [Y] THEN apply manual record creation
  • IF POEM and Manual = [Y] THEN allow automated and manual CT record(s) creation

NOTE: These parameters must be defined in the Shipper Profile which is a part of the Client Profile:

1) located in "Edit user profile" window and specify role and additional specific info
2) link to UI mock-up see []

Shipper's role for current user role profile appoints through selecting shipper user role and identify shipper account on additional tab on the separate Shipper/Supplier Role Profile section:

  • functionality - when shipper roles is assigned for the user role then user is a Shipper.
  • Specific shipper profile must be defined:
  • MOT - enable/disable
  • E0. Client company - mandatory
  • Shipper - mandatory
  • CT creation - mandatory
  • Shipments Weight in [LB/KG] - mandatory
  • Currency in [USD/EUR/GBP/HKD] - mandatory

USE CASES for shipper's profile

Shipper MOT:

  • MOT: defined MOT default to be read only [Air or Ocean or Truck-Dom]
  • IF MOT = Truck DOM, THEN direct to Truck-Dom portal
  • IF MOT = Air or Ocean, THEN direct to International portal
  • NOTE: Future - combine to be one portal for Truck-Dom and International portal
  • MOT: defined MOT option to be able to edit [Air and Ocean and Truck-Dom]
  • IF MOT = Air and Ocean, THEN give ability for shipper to assign MOT [Air or Ocean]
  • IF MOT = Truck-Dom AND Air AND Ocean, THEN give ability for shipper options/menu to select Truck-DOM OR [Air and Ocean] International Portal
  • NOTE: Future - combine to be one portal for Truck-Dom and International portal
  • MOT: No MOT defined. Shipment will be created [without MOT]

Shipper E0. Client Company:

  • E0: defined E0 default to be read only [E0. Client Company]
  • IF E0.Client Company = EA DOM PORTAL, THEN default to EA DOM Portal
  • E0: defined E0 for multiple E0. Client Company to edit such as Elizabeth Arden and Coty
  • IF EO.Client Company = Elizabeth Arden AND Coty, THEN give option to 2 portals; one for Elizabeth Arden portal, and the other is Coty portal
  • NOTE: Multiple E0. Client companies - Multiple portal environments for each E0. Client Company each portal

Shipper Shipper (T1):

  • Shipper (T1): [one:one]
  • value - must be selected one from the list of Shippers. This list reflects the set of records from "Admin > Address Book > Transportation" with T1="Yes".

Shipper CT creation:

  • CT creation: Option dropdown
  • POEM Only
  • Manual Only
  • POEM and Manual
  • value:
    • IF POEM is selected, THEN apply POEM automated workflow to shipper Refer POEM admin and not allow to create CT manually
    • IF Manual is selected, THEN enable manual process/workflow of CT record(s) creation to shipper
    • IF POEM and Manual is selected, THEN allow both automated and manual CT record(s) creation

Shipper Shipments Weight in:

  • Shipments Weight in: option from drop down list for single select:
  • LB only
  • KG only
  • LB and KG

Shipper Currency:

  • Currency: this is currency options for setting default value for shipper to view or edit
  • [ ] EUR () Default value
  • [ ] GBP () Default value
  • [ ] HKD () Default value
  • [ ] USD () Default value
  • Default value MUST be one currency among selected currencies

BR 1.2 Create CT record

Automated CT record creation

[a] Shipper/supplier submits purchase order with quantity and some handful of information from POEM to generate CT record(s) and pass through generated CT record(s) to ASN
[b] CT record(s) that were passed through ASN will display on NEW tab for both shipper and planner portals
[c] Shipper can edit CT record(s) on allowed field(s) until planner applies approval process
[d] Upon saving the modified information entered, an automatic validation notification will "pop up" asking the user to review the following information that they entered, including the shipment CT records. To go back to edit or proceed to save. Read more here: CT preview and disclaimer screen
[e] Upon user clicking on save on CT preview and disclaimer screen: automatic confirmation will "pop up", reconfirming the information. Read more here: CT confirmation screen
[f] CT record(s) was submitted through POEM or modified by a shipper company through ASN portal should display for ALL users who are a part of the same shipper company
[g] See figure below
Figure BR 1.2.1 Edit and View CT record that was submitted via POEM by shipper

Manual CT record creation

[a] Shipper will be able to add Cybertrax 2.1 Client (glossary)#Shipping request once the product is ready to ship.
[b] See detailed definitions of shipments fields in Cybertrax 2.1 Client (data dictionary).//// Update data dictionary is needed
[c] They can enter a number of lines of PO/SKU’s for only one E.M. at a time, including the piece price per PO/SKU.
[d] System will create one CT record per commodity line.
[e] Upon saving the information entered, an automatic validation notification will “pop up” asking the user to review the following information that they entered, noting the disclaimer. Read more here: CT preview and disclaimer screen
[f] Upon user clicking save:
[g] Records created by a shipper company should display for ALL users who are a part of the same shipper company
[h] See figure below
Figure BR 1.2.2 Edit and View CT record that was submitted via POEM by shipper

CT preview and disclaimer screen

This screen is for the operator to "review" and "confirm" that the information they entered is correct.

This screen should contain the following information:

CT confirmation screen

This is a confirmation to the supplier of the information they just entered and should contain the following information:

Constraint on the number of lines in Commodity table in CTs created by Shipper User

Commodity table in CTs created by Shipper may have only ONE line.

Show all addresses

  • Ship to Location
  • Pick up Location

Mark validation clearly

1) Add red star to required field 2) Add note to the screen "Both Loose Pkgs and Plts cant be zero at the same time on one line."

BR 1.3 View list of CT records as a shipper

  • Shipper can view records that anyone in their company created.
  • Columns heading should have mouse over label (description).
  • Shipper should have ability to print the CT record that they view (print friendly)
  • View CTs table definitions:
  • Columns for New Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Created On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Columns for Approved Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Approved On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Columns for Hold Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Approved For
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Columns for Rejected Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Rejected On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Columns for Delivered Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Created On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Columns for Archived Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Created On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value

  • Default order: Latest CT on top
  • Sortable?: Yes, ascending and descending,throughout all the shipments for all pages
  • Search feature: See #Search_feature_on_List_CTs
  • Action buttons per tab definitions:
    • Action Buttons for New Tab: Add, Copy or Clone, View, Edit, Delete
    • Action Buttons for Approved Tab: Copy or Clone, View
    • Action Buttons for Hold Tab: Copy or Clone, View
    • Action Buttons for Rejected Tab: Copy or Clone, View
    • Action Buttons for Archived Tab: Copy or Clone, View
    • Action Buttons for Delivered Tab: Copy or Clone, View

BR 1.4 Edit CT record

What CTs Shipper may edit RULE

  • Shipper user may edit only records she created

When to lock CT record for edit by Shipper RULE

  • Shipper may edit an existing CT before it is approved or placed on hold or rejected by a planner.
  • Shipper may edit an existing CT before it is locked based on ship date for each mode.
  • The criteria should be set in admin module such as Air and Ocean shipments are locked X days before a ship date

BR 1.5 Delete CT records

What CTs Shipper may delete RULE

  • Shipper user may delete only records she created

When to lock CT record for delete by Shipper RULE

  • Shipper may delete an existing CT before it is approved by a planner, placed on hold by a planner or rejected by a planner.
  • Shipper may edit an existing CT before it is locked based on ship date for each mode.
  • The criteria should be set in admin module such as Air and Ocean shipments are locked X days before a ship date

BR 1.6 Clone CT Record

  • Not applicable for shipment that was submitted via POEM. Enable for only manual CT record creation.

Field for text box/area that must be read only on Add/Clone shipments

  • Shipper
  • Pick up Location
  • Ship to Location
  • Created By
  • Total Value

Clone feature Exception

  • Cargo Available Date: This should be the current date, do not copy the clone date
  • E0.Client Company: This should be the same as it is set on Shipper user profile, do not copy the clone E0.Client Company
  • MOT: This should be the same as it is set on Shipper user profile, do not copy the clone MOT
  • NOTE#1: Make E0.Client Company and MOT fields for all the shipments that were created by shippers to be READ ONLY fields on the internal application. Not allow operator to change E0.client company and MOT from the individual CT, group CT, etc.
  • NOTE#2: For the group case that contained some shipments that created by shipper, should have some validation and show err message that E0. client company/MOT cannot be changed if operator tries to change the E0.client company and/or to MOT to different company or MOT that was set as shipper user profile.
  • Prevent user to clone CT with unapproved and archived addresses.

BR 2. Core International Planner Functionality

Planner user has an attribute PO issued by that regulates what CTs planner may see/authorize.

  • A planner user can see/authorize one or one to many PO issued by. This is exist currently under planner user profile admin setting.
  • A planner user can see/authorize shipment with/without modes of transportation
  • A planner user can be set to authorize shipment as single or double approval process
  • "PO issued by" can be add/set under Admin > Transportation > PO Issue by
  • An auto-approval process can be defined for particular shipments with PO. Issued by, MOT, E0. Client company for example. System automatically approves CT record(s). No need a planner role.
  • Logic defined:
    • PO. Issued by
    • MOT
    • E0. Client company

BR 2.1 Creating Planner User and Planner Profile

Admin is required for:

  • Set up a planner role with PO Issued by and type of user (basic or super user) for double approval process if required
  • This is located at Users admin > User Profile > Planner role > Authorization/Planner/EM Role > Authorize CTs with PO Issued By:> [Super planner if required]
  • Set up PO Issued by company
  • This is located at Transportation admin > PO Issued by
    • Name
    • Approval process:[dropdown]
      • Single
      • Double
      • Auto
  • Cargo Due Date feature [enable/disable]
  • Set up Auto Approval process admin
  • This can be located at the same area as PO Issued by if necessary
  • Shipper [combo box to allow multiple select]
  • Add,Edit, and Remove functionality for setting:
    • PO Issued by
    • E0.Client company
    • MOT auto assign
    • These 3 can be set upon Add or Edit.
    • Display list of combination:
      • Shipper<>: <PO issued by>, <E0. Client Company>, <MOT auto assigned>
      • One shipper can have many combination of <PO issued by>, <E0. Client Company>, <MOT auto assigned>. This can be listed in a table

USE CASES for planner's profile

Planner MOT:

  • MOT: Default MOT read Only derived from Shipper
    • Allow planner to approve a shipment with default MOT
  • MOT: Select MOT
    • Allow planner to approve a shipment with MOT assigned for shipment with/without MOT assigned by shipper

Automated Approval process:

  • With MOT pre-defined (Admin)
  • Without MOT pre-defined such as undefined mode (Admin)

BR 2.1.1 Auto Approval process

Admin module must provide some setting for particular shipper and E0. Client company for shipments that will skip planner process and system automatically approve the CT record with MODE assigned that can be set in Admin

Figure 2.1.1 CT record for automating shipment approval process by system

BR 2.1.2 Manual pproval process

Planner role must be set under admin module with required information for types of approval process and for what PO Issue by company.

Figure 2.1.2 CT record for manual shipment approval process by planner(s)

BR 2.2 View list of CT records as a planner

  • [a] Planners may view only all records they have visibility to.
  • [b] Visibility is defined through PO issued by CT field defined in Planners profile.
  • [c] Planners should have ability to print the CT record that they view (print friendly)
  • [d] View CTs table definitions:
  • Columns for New Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Created On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Columns for Approved Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Approved On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Columns for Hold Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Approved For
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Columns for Rejected Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Rejected On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Columns for Delivered Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Created On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Columns for Archived Tab:
    • CT Record
    • Created On
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
  • Default order: Latest CT on top
  • Sortable?: Yes, ascending and descending, throughout all the shipments for all pages
  • [d] Search feature: See #Search_feature_on_List_CTs
  • [e] Action buttons per tab definitions:
    • Action Buttons for New Tab: Set approve status (approve, hold, reject) & View
    • Action Buttons for Approved Tab: Set approve status (approve, hold, reject) & View
    • Action Buttons for Hold Tab: Set approve status (approve, hold, reject), View and Set Approved for Pick Up On:
    • Action Buttons for Rejected Tab: View
    • Action Buttons for Archived Tab: View
    • Action Buttons for Delivered Tab: View

BR 2.3 Authorize CT records

[a] Planner may authorize records by setting a status: Approve, Hold or Reject.

[b] This would be for the entire quantity entered. If CT may be approved with another quantity then:

  • planner should reject this CT
  • planner should notify shipper about this situation
  • shipper should create another CT with new quantity (clone CT feature might be used to speed up this)

[c] Every time status is changed system will:

  • request Planner to post comment except for setting "Approve" Status; feature allows the planner to note “why” this shipment was placed on hold (this is for the suppliers benefit as well).
  • comment will be recorded in the authorization status history
  • send a status notification to the supplier

[d] Shipment(s) that is approved by a planner must effect CT's Authorized fields on General Tab on Internal App as below:

  • Authorized by: planner name
  • Authorized on: Approved on date
  • Authorized MOT: Truck

Approve Status

[a] This status indicates that the CT is approved to ship immediately.

[b] This status cannot be changed to any other status.

[c] Once this status is set to a CT, it will show on internal live tab.

[d] Once this status is set to a CT, it will show on the TM shipments page.

Reject Status

[a] This status indicates that the CT cannot ship.

[b] This status cannot be changed to any other status.

Hold Without Approved For Pick Up On Date Status

[a] This status indicates that the decision has been postponed.

[b] This status can be changed to Reject, Approve or Hold with a date status.

Hold With Approved For Pick Up On Date Status

[a] This status indicates that CT will be in Hold status until "Approved for Pick Up On:" date. On that date Status will automatically change to Approved Status.

  • CT record that has an "Approved for pick up on" date, will show on the internal live tab, TDS, TMS & quick link 72 hours before the current "Approved for pick up on" date set by planner.

[b] Status can be changed to Approved, Rejected or Hold Without Approved For Pick Up On Date Status

[c] This date maybe changed to another date or cleared as many times as required but is subject to #Approve for pick up on date constraint constraint - see below.

[d] This date is affected Cargo Available date. If the hold with date is set, cargo available date is automatically updated to the same day as the hold with date.

Approve for pick up on date constraint

  • If this date is currently blank then it can be set to today or any day in the future
  • If this date is already set then it can be set to any date in the future unless the following is true:
    • currently set date is less than 72 hours in the future. In this case date can not be changed (because this MUST not be changed as Jaguar operator probably set up a truck to pick up product already).
    • Warning message: CT#XXXXXX: This date cannot be changed as the previous date is within 72 hours of today's date

BR 3. Core Jaguar Functionality

Once CT record has been approved from ASN portal, it will become available to Jaguar operator on Internal Application. KPI/Dashboard for approved shipment is needed for easy way of accessing, viewing, updating, or even create a group.

BR 3.1 Dashboard for approved shipments for I-portal

  • Separated tab for each mode for total number of CT records that have been approved
  • Undefined
  • Air
  • Ocean
  • Truck-Dom
    • For current Truck-Dom Stat Dashboard, leave it the way it is for now as it shows number of approved, routed, and picked up and it is helpful for Jaguar operator. The additional dashboard should be created to show number of Approved shipment only for MOT listed above for the first phase. See #Figure 3.1.2 Dashboard for approved CT records
  • Admin to enable/disable is required for I-portal Approved CT records

Figure 3.1.1 Approved CT records are available for Jaguar operator to view and update


Figure 3.1.2 Dashboard for approved CT records

BR 4. Core Client Functionality

Once CT records are available on Internal Application, it should also be available on shipment list on Client Application as well with client visibility rule for CT records. Functionality on client application should stay the same. CT record should be able to access via quick link if client has visibility to that particular record. Other functionality on client application currently should apply to the CT records that are available on client application as well.

BR 5. Misc Functionality

Functional/Non-Functional Requirements

<Identify all functional and non-functional requirements. Maintain standard headings. If a specific requirement is not required, note as Not Applicable. Each functional requirement must trace back to a specific business requirement.>

Application Requirements Complete (Started/InProgress/Complete) Comments
CyberTrax2 Internal Application User Interface Requirements
  • User Admin to manage entitlements
  • Approved shipment dashboard
  • Internal application
Reporting Requirements
  • Dashboard: Approved shipments that are separated tabs by mode
  • Filter
  • Ability to update fields as well as creating a group (Need to be added)
User Access / Security Requirements InProgress
  • New EA Shipper, Planner Roles to support International shipments (Extended from Truck-Dom)
Logging Requirements
  • Any action occurs on client application, shipper and planner portal, who, when, where, and description should be logged on the update log and system log
  • History log from portal should be appear on CT update log as well with order of event: CT creation, CT approval status (history), CT TMS status (Truck-DOM), etc.
Group/Master Requirements
  • Allow Jaguar to create group from update field feature on the dashboard and virtual group.
Filtering Requirements
Archiving Requirements InProgress
  • same logic as currently.
CyberTrax2 Client Application User Interface Requirements
  • Shipper Interface
  • Planner Interface
Reporting Requirements InProgress
  • Download to excel from shipment list with searching and sorting abilities
  • Exception Reports
  • Automated notifications
  • Dashboard KPIs
User Access / Security Requirements InProgress
  • Shippers should only be able to create/view/edit their own company CT records
  • Planners should only be able to view/update CT records regard available PO Issued by company
  • Client users should only be able to view their own CT records (Client visibility rule)
Logging Requirements InProgress
  • History for some updated fields in particular such as Pick up Trucker Name
  • All dates should have H button to view log of dates update. History log for each date assignment (update)
  • History log for authorization status
Group/Master Requirements InProgress
Filtering Requirements InProgress
  • Search/Filter capabilities on shipment list
  • Sort capability on shipment list
Archiving Requirements InProgress
  • Same logic as there are currently for portal and client application
Non-Functional Requirements Performance Requirements InProgress
  • < 3 second response time
Capacity Requirements InProgress
  • Additional International Users - should not have impact on system
Support / Maintenance Requirements InProgress
  • Level 1 Support should be managed by:
  • EA DOM Team for EA DOM
  • Export and Import team for International shipments
  • Level 2 Support would be escalated to Denise & team.
User Guides
  • I-portal user guide should be created
Training InProgress
Log(s) Accessibility InProgress
Testing Requirements InProgress
Security Requirements InProgress
  • 128-bit SSL supported only.
  • Only support Mozilla 10.0.2+ and IE 8+
On-Boarding / Migration Requirements InProgress
  • Provide User Entitlements
  • Setting Full list of EA Shippers with PO and without PO mapping
  • Setting full list of EA International planners with all PO issued by
Deployment Requirements InProgress

Technical Design & Solution

Mock ups

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Technical Diagrams (Flow Chart, Sequence, UML, Systems Architecture, Technical Architecture, Data Architecture, etc..)

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<List new or modified classes and methods>

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<Summarize database changes>

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<Summarize config changes>

Logging (Log File changes)

<Summarize Log File changes and locations>

External Interfaces (EDI Message(s), external vendors)

<Identify any new external interfaces. Include sample request and reply along with field definitions. Include Source/Target server(s)/webservice(s) and functional accounts. If this is a modification of an existing EDI message, include samples of current message(s) and new message(s)>


Admin Panel:

Q1. I-portal and ASN are separated?

  • Roles:Iportal: Shipper and planner
    • MOT: Air and Ocean only or specify MOT for each shipper one to one MOT?
    • Suggest for JG role to specify FCL, LCL, Console? with out letting shipper/planner assign
    • E0: Elizabeth Arden?
  • Roles:Truck-Dom: Shipper and Planner
    • MOT: Truck Dom only
  • Roles: combine shipper and planner?
    • All MOT: Air, Ocean, Truck Dom --> what about other trucks such as Truck air and Truck ocean
    • Should we even give International shipper to assign the breakdown of ocean from the beginning? FCL, LCL, Console?

Q2. If it does, how? what is the process? Will we change the current business process for EA DOM? If it does not, THEN?

Q3. Shipper Role:

  • one:one? for Shipper: EO.client Company?

Q4. Shipper Role:

  • one:one? one:many? For Shipper: MOT(s)?
  • Do they have ability to choose MOT?
  • MOT Air/Ocean --> available for shipper to assign? and keep the way it is for truck dom?
  • What is about Truck-air and truck-ocean? Could you describe the situation of when shipper wants to ship by truck air/ocean? When to consider? are they apart of i-portal? Should we not consider these yet only air and ocean first and we will think about that for future phase?

Q5. Who will assign MOT? Shipper? Planner? Jaguar? Do we have to give all the ability for all roles to assign/edit?


Use case 1: Shipper assigns MOT by default from admin, or actual assign by shipper?

  • THEN Planner will approve the shipment...with date, etc including MOT?
  • THEN Planner (skip) --> automate approval

Use case 2: Shipper (NO MOT assign) view only once MOT is approved by Planner?

  • THEN Planner approves the shipment....etc including MOT assign
  • What would MOT be if automate approval for planner process. (Skip approval process)

Use case 3: Shipper and Planner (NO MOT assigned)

  • THEN Planner only approve the shipment...with date...etc without MOT assign.
  • THEN JAGUAR assigns the MOT
  • Work for AUTO approval as well

Q7. Any other fields? should allow shipper to edit? Label for all fields should be consistent for all MOTs? such as Pick up and Ship to location --> apply for all modes?

Q8. If we combine all modes, then drop down list of address should be all for all modes? or we have to narrow list of address for dom only when Truck dom is selected?

Q9. Currently create shipment Truck DOM - one line item = 1 CT (work well for TMS). for International--> what should it be (Will we use Descarte system for routing shipment same as TMS? and how as one CT can have many lines items? Should each line = each CT then Jaguar consolidates all the CT (line items) together to ship together by group/master?

Q10. Cont Tab for each mode for i-portal? not on one page--> separate shipment detail for each mode on Cont tab?

  • Any fields should be there for MOT selected? as Air and Ocean modes--> require fields can be different, should we make it common for both Air and Ocean?

Q11. Planner role: What is the process of this role for i-portal? what are the process of approvals? such as auto approval, etc?

Q12. Summary, What data feed from POEM and what process should change? such as the submission for QTY...detail of shipments....how to separate what is a part of POEM and I-portal? POEM Feed with submission ability for Shipper...if POEM not feed, shipper should create shipment from scratch like currently Truck Dom?

Q13. Shipment detail for edit or from data feed from POEM (must include in each mode for shipper and planner?)

  • FCL
  • Container#
  • Seal#
  • Size
  • Type
  • Est collection
  • Act collection
  • Request deliver
  • Act deliver
  • PO
  • SKU
  • QTY
  • Ttl# of Plts
  • Ttl PKG on plt
  • Loose PKGs
  • Ttl GW KG/LB
  • Piece price
  • total value
  • Stackable
  • Haz/non-haz
  • Ttl HU
  • CBM
  • streamshipline
  • booking#
  • Master BOL
  • HBOL
  • Origin terminal
  • Est/Act
  • Port of lading
  • Est/Act
  • Port of discharge
  • Est/Act
  • Destination Terminal
  • Any standard/common info for Cont tab for different modes if we allow shipper to assign MOT (air/ocean) as line by line can be different mode within one creation from shipper.
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