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Purchase Order Event Management Overview

<Executive summary of business justification(s), business objective(s), high level project deliverables, project vision, all stakeholders, etc..>

Business Objectives

The need for management information – context

Management information is at the heart of any business that strives for continuous improvement. The principal benefits are that the provision of the right information not simply data:

  • Ensures that activity is linked to outcome;
  • Effort is focused upon needs of customers;
  • The management perspective migrates from providing excuses to delivering results;
  • Makes performance a culture of continuous process, instead of occasional ‘snapshots’;
  • Promotes communication and collaboration.

CyberTrax™ Purchase Order Event Management – overview and benefits

For CyberTrax™ customers, POEM is designed as a web-based platform that provides management tools and visibility of Supplier PO Events and milestones, from the PO Issued date, to the creation of an ASN. There are several benefits:

  • Elimination of redundant data entry, built in documentation (pallet labels, shipping instructions, Proforma Invoices and Packing Lists), Embedded regulatory compliance tools and exception reporting will improve and streamline the overall processes, and provide centralized visibility and automated event management efficiencies across global inbound supply chain stake holder groups;
  • Delivery of performance data and BI will support a continuous cycle of improvement within a company’s planning, purchasing, and transportation (inbound Supply Chain) groups;
  • Reliability and predictability of inbound supply chain events and improved regulatory compliance management tools, along with improved expectation management.

CyberTrax™ KPI and BI module Jaguar Freight Services

CyberTrax™ Purchase Order Event Management – interface

POEM will be designed to provide the same intuitive user experience associated with the Jaguar Freight Services brand, and will be fully integrated with other CyberChain™ solutions (Cybertrax™, ASN Portal™). POEM is a User Interface providing various users with customizable access types (visibility, edit) for the viewing, monitoring, updating and reporting on Supplier Purchase Orders. POEM facilitates a number of functionalities, principally as it relates to managing Purchase Order Events, and provides a centralized, cloud based process, communication and management solution. In line with Cybertrax™, flexibility, customization and scalability underpin POEM’s architecture.

Project Stakeholders & Roles

  • Simon Kaye - CEO - Project Sponsor
  • Marc Selter - VP - Product Manager
  • Alex Dobrovolsky - Director of Technology - Solutions Architect
  • Denise Guastella - CT2 Support Manager
  • Kostiantyn Ushakov - CEO/CTO Elcosol
  • Perry Lee - CT2 Project Manager
  • <TBD> - Elizabeth Arden Engagement/Relationship Manager
  • <TBD> - Elizabeth Arden Technical Project Manager

Project Scope

<Identify in-scope and out-of-scope items>

Project Dependencies

<Identify internal and external dependencies to the project>

High-Level Timelines

<High-level milestone dates>


<Identify internal and external risks to the project: schedule, resources, technical, business, cost, market conditions, external vendors/partners, etc..>

  • [External Risk] Elizabeth Arden has 5 ERP systems that may not be able to meet all integration specifications.
  • [External Risk] Elizabeth Arden Technical Project Managers will dictate timelines. Jaguar Freight Services has no control over EA resources or schedules.

Assumptions / Constraints

<Identify all assumptions and constraints for this project>

Business Requirements

<List each business requirement under a separate heading. Also include process flows (UML, Sequence Diagrams, Swimlane, Flow chart, etc..) as applicable>

BR1 [ERP Integration]

Business Requirement 2...

Business Requirement 3...

Business Process Flow 1...

Business Process Flow 2...

Business Process Flow 3...

Functional/Non-Functional Requirements

<Identify all functional and non-functional requirements. Maintain standard headings. If a specific requirement is not required, note as Not Applicable. Each functional requirement must trace back to a specific business requirement.>

CyberTrax2 Internal Application

<Identify all functional requirements for CT2 Internal Application>

User Interface Requirements

Reporting Requirements

User Access / Security Requirements

Logging Requirements

Group / Master Requirements

Filtering Requirements

Archiving Requirements

CyberTrax2 Client Application

<Identify all functional requirements for CT2 Client Application>

User Interface Requirements

Reporting Requirements

User Access / Security Requirements

Logging Requirements

Group / Master Requirements

Filtering Requirements

Archiving Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements

<Identify all non-functional requirements for both CT2 Client Application and CT2 Internal Application>

Performance Requirements

Capacity Requirements

Support / Maintenance Requirements

User Guides


Log(s) Accessibility

Testing Requirements

Security Requirements

Technical Design & Solution

Mock ups

<Include mock-ups of UI changes, report changes, etc..>

Technology Stack & Architecture

<Include changes to existing Technology Stack & Architecture - new libraries, updated library versions, new software/hardware, new interfaces, etc..>

Technical Diagrams (Flow Chart, Sequence, UML, Systems Architecture, Technical Architecture, Data Architecture, etc..)

<Include architecture diagrams and flow charts>

Web / Application (New/Modified classes, methods, etc..)

<List new or modified classes and methods>

Database (DDL changes - new/modified tables, indexes, stored procedures, etc..)

<Summarize database changes>

Configuration (Config File changes)

<Summarize config changes>

Logging (Log File changes)

<Summarize Log File changes and locations>

External Interfaces (EDI Message(s), external vendors)

<Identify any new external interfaces. Include sample request and reply along with field definitions. Include Source/Target server(s)/webservice(s) and functional accounts. If this is a modification of an existing EDI message, include samples of current message(s) and new message(s)>

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