Ocean M MBL

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Revision as of 02:50, 9 September 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Version 2.1

  • ss1) numbers in Commod table and totals must be aligned to the same vertical line
  • ss2) Switch to "Textarea-based" Commod Section - apply same idea as described in Figure."Textarea-based" Commod Section in Air CT HAWB
    • apply this idea to 2 text columns: "Description" and "Marks and Numbers"
    • table in template should be tall enough to see all 8 textareas at the same time without scrolling
  • ss3) Commod table should have standard functionality of "Insert", "Delete", "Clear", "Line Up/Down"
  • ss4) fix bug: Remarks field doesn't pass info into pdf

Version 2.1.b

Version 2.1.c

  • ss1 // Add label 'Remarks:' to the field Remarks on pdf
  • ss2 // word "service" misspelled on the templates and pdf
  • ss3 // change font to "standard" - as on other pdfs
  • ss4 // apply standard look and feel for values in textboxes (margins, etc. but no shading)
  • ss5 // fix bug: value prints over label (IN CASE OF multiline) for these fields:
    • notify party
    • service contract number
    • freight and charges payable at

Known Bugs and Questions

  • 2nd page design ???
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