2012 Jan Feb Sprint

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Revision as of 16:07, 25 February 2012 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Info for 2012 Jan Feb Sprint

Mantis: 0003297

  • Start: Jan 23, 2011
  • Staging: Feb 24, 2011
  • Production: March 1, 2011

Holidays in USA: 0

Holidays in Ukraine: 0

Significant PTO in Ukraine:

  • Kostya on PTO for 1-2 weeks

Development (non staging) days in Ukraine: 25

Dev hours:

  • Kostya
    • days: 15
    • ttl hours: 5h x 15 days = 75
  • Sa, AK, Mi
    • days: 25
    • ttl hours: 7h x 25 days = 175

SA hours:

  • Al
    • days: 25
    • ttl hours: 4h x 25 days = 100
  • Ti
    • days: 25
    • ttl hours: 7h x 25 days = 175

Release Notes

ID Resumen

3250 [EDI with Trendset] Add validations and functionality to handle various invoicing errors (SOW1)

3418 [EDI with Trendset] Sending the test invoices to receiver ID TRN200115TST

3296 [EDI with Trendset] Send Freight total and Fuel Total in separated lines instead of one total amount (SOW 2)

3401 Cannot Generate & Transmit Invoices to Trendset

3383 BUG: CT373876/LD000020328, 373875/LD000020327 & 372693/LD000019880 - Dispatch E-mail's not being sent out

3151 (Ops Misc) Have CT2 generate file ref #'s (SOW 1)

3196 (*OpsRep Misc) Weekly Shpt Counts Global Report (SOW 2)

3397 (CT2 Misc) Ongoing DB optimization (SOW 3)

3379 [* IPortal] (ph3) BUG: Apply Filter for "Archived Users" and get Active users mixed in the results

3131 [DR/KPI] DR KPI Framework (for non Action Required reports) / Specific External KPIs (SOW 1)

3367 (DR/KPI ) Add one DR to client app (Impending Arrivals)

3411 (*Billing Required Report) Bug: Report for individual Client Co. Frederic Fekkai is not opening

3399 (*Billing Required Report) Bug dashboard drill down filters on second level are not working

3414 Create one time report for Nick Singh (Coty) - same report for 2011 but make some modifications for MOTs

3431 Debug Error Message Recieved on Ocean Masters, Master Container Totals Tab Manifest when user tries to download the spreadsheet

3382 Change the auto reject # of days property from hard coded (90 days) to an editable field

3218 (Acc Report:Search Inv) Add MOT to filters and to output

3281 (Acc Report:Search Inv) Add filter option to satisfy both Issuing AND Departure dates criteria.

3278 (Acc Report:Search Inv) Add date type - departure date or revenue recognition date (PI invoice only)

3280 (Acc Report:Search Inv) Charge Code Group / Charge Code Number

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