Valley Stream office backup solution

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Core Requirements

To provide reliable backup for data/systems that are hosted/located in Valey Stream (except CT2 dev server).


* 0003302: [IT/Misc] Back up solution needs to be changed asap as the current backup is bad

Proposal: Backup data solution

  • Problem for current backup solution:
  • It is not reliable.
  • It requires MT to do manual work every night to make sure it is successful.
  • It is not always working properly.
  • Physical HD needs to be carried out of the office daily
  • High risk of physical HD to get damaged by taking offsite

  • Solutions: Need to select a better solution for this backup solution to be reliable.
  • There are 4 backup options, 2 onsite and 2 offsite solutions.
  • Recommendation: Having 1 offsite and 1 onsite solution to make sure that we are properly backed up.
  • Pricing: CDW prices, so if decision is made for which options are selected, MT will give you a quote which hopefully will be a little cheaper if possible.
  • Opinion: Option 1 & Option 3 are the best options but I know you wanted several options.

Option 1 is a NAS Solution.

Option 2 is a USB Hard drive

Option 3 is an Offsite Backup Solution through MT.

  • a) Our Servers would backup each night through the internet to MT Offsite location in Utah.
  • b) The cost of our Offsite Backup solution is $1 per GB per month + $10 per Server license.
  • We have about 225gb if we backup all data folders. Since we are in a MSP plan with Managed Technology, they will give us 50gb free. So the total monthly cost would be about $195
  • c) Note: we can choose to backup only really important folders with the Offsite Backups to keep the cost down.

Option 4 is a Removable Disk Backup solution.

  • a) This is similar to the disk backups we currently have now except this is the correct solution as it is made for Removable Disks.
  • b) Note: The current one is not made for removable disks.
  • c) Removable Disk Backup $815 (Comes with Drive and 2 500gb disks):


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