Client App Admin (component)

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Revision as of 18:41, 15 November 2011 by Denise (Talk | contribs)
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General Info and Scope

  • Classified As: component
  • Parent Mantis: 1731
  • Prerequisites: any articles that must be read before to understand this?


0002418: [EDI to TMS] (Client App Admin) (TMS Tab) Add TMS tab with config options

0002451: [EDI to TMS] (Client App Admin) (TMS Tab) Changes to accomodate Connecting Production/Demo Environments

Move "Import SKU to Planner Map" from ACC Menu to Admin Menu >> Client Application Admin Section

General Info

  • Change: this request is a change, to move the current Sku to Planner upload feature (used for the ASN portal) from the Acc Menu to be under the client application section found inside of the Admin Menu - see []

Update Description

  • Move the "Import SKU to Planner Map" from ACC Menu to Admin Menu
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