From UG
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December 2010
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Sprint 10 year 2011
Tasks for Dev Sprint 10d
1) I-Portal:
- estimated // 0003087 [Intl Portal](ph2)Shipment Editor. Imp/Exp tabs. MOT: Ocean
- estimated // 0003086 [Intl Portal](ph2)Shipment Editor. Imp/Exp tabs. MOT: Air
- estimated // 0003085 [Intl Portal](ph2)Shipment Editor. Cont Tab. Dimension table.
- in SA // 0003193 [* IPortal](ph2)Redesign user lists and user profiles
2) DR/KPI:
- in SA // 0003199 (* DR/KPI)(AR DRs) Create Ver 4 that covers more required functionality
3) Etc
- estimated // 0003116: (Client Watch List) Re-design "Top 5" dashboard: show top 5 from ...
- in Est // 0003067 [* DR/KPI] (Dashboard) Create Dashboard framework
- in BA // 0003200: [IT/Misc][Sales Engineering] Resolve speed issues with Sales demo
Tasks for Dev Sprint 10b
1) I-Portal:
- 0003179 [* IPortal] (ph 3) Create solution for phase 3
2) DR/KPI:
- 0003131 [DR/KPI] DR KPI Framework (for non AR reports)
3) Etc:
- 0003163 (* Reports/DR Scheduler) Implement version 2