Geography (component)

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General Info and Scope


  • This is a list of all Countries, Airports, Ports/Terminals according to the accepted industry standards. It also contains an area for Admin users to define a list of Regions and Busiest Ports/Terminals according to the business processes.

Business Requirements

  • Rather than just ensure there are no duplications, we need to upload, and be working from, universally accepted airport codes (from IATA), as well as Country names (United Nations), Sea Port Codes (International Maritime Organization).
  • Plus provide some sort of a solution for updating, should a port be retired/no longer used, or a new port is created or an existing port needs editing.


Geography component is a part of Admin component of CT2. In the Internal application Geography component presents as the Geography section.

The Geography section stores information what divided to five groups:

  • Regions
  • Countries
  • Airports
  • Ports/Terminals
  • Busiest Ports/Terminals.

User Interface

Info of each group located in the separate tab of Geography section. The tab names are the same as the group names. See Figure_1

Functionality / Use Cases

  • User has CRUD abilities:
    • Add
    • Edit
    • Remove
    • Archive
    • Restore

Special Cases and Misc

Relationships between Country and Region

  • In the CT2 is used the following rules of relations between Countries and Regions:
1) One Region can to include many Countries (rule 1: one region -> many countries).
2) One Country can only belong to one Region (rule 2: one country -> one region).
  • As confirmed in mantis #0002040, CT2 functionality must to provide a needed validation and prevent the existing of several countries with the same name:
1) validation executes on the Countries Tab upon saving data in "Add Country" window.
2) when Country with Printable Name already exists in DB:
- System shows warning message window with text "Country with this Printable Name already exists"
- and doesn't save data.
3) user ought to correct the entered name or stop adding this country.



Figure 1

File:Admin Geo.JPG


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