EDI with Trendset

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  • 0002996: [EDI with Trendset] .... <project>

! Please note that there are a lot of useful email communication posted into Mantis notes under 2996


Core requirements

Core requirements are summarized in the following letter from Arden.

Letter from Tammy

From: Mowbray, Tammy M [1]

Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 4:59 PM

To: Robert Link; Marc Selter; Philippe Delorme; Denise Guastella

Cc: Falls, Jessie



As many of you are aware, EA will be transitioning our freight bill audit and payment process to Trendset, a 3rd party freight bill payment company. We will be transitioning the business in phases and Elizabeth Arden would like for Jaguar invoices for imports, domestic inland and non Zug export (Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Puerto Rico) to transition on 8/1/11 via EDI. Elizabeth Arden requests that Jaguar work directly with Trendset to start EDI testing immediately and the direct contact information is listed below. Trendset has also sent EDI specifications to Jaguar.

Since Jaguar is one of EA's biggest carriers and therefore will have a largest impact on this transition, I wanted to advise of a few key elements that need to be taken into consideration to ensure the transition is seamless.

1. Paper Invoices: Will continue to be sent to EA until Jaguar can complete EDI testing with Trendset and receive final approval to start from EA.

2. Inland Domestic Invoices: Will need to receive one per shipment vs current consolidated invoices (or have the two IT teams work out). EA will need to have a record of each shipment and cost per each shipment to be visible in TS, no exceptions. This is required for EA financial reporting.

3. Main reference fields: Will need Jaguar to transmit the "load number" as the bill of lading number for domestic inbound shipments, and the "ct ref. number" as the bill of lading number for both imports and exports.

4. Invoice Timing: Need invoices sent asap to avoid gaps in accrual process. Please advise how this works for each type of shipment (imports, exports and domestic inland). When will the EDI transmission be sent, at shipment time, receipt time or when?

Please advise of any questions or concerns regarding the 8/1 go live EDI date.


TRENDSET EDI CONTACT: Lisa Shampine at 864-297-9255, or email lisa.shampine@trendsetinc.com.

Once the EDI process starts, your contact person at Trendset for questions concerning freight payments will be Trendset Carrier Services at 864-527-4395 or carriersupport@trendsetinc.com.

Payment information is also available upon registration, on their carrier website www.trendsetcarriers.com <http://www.trendsetcarriers.com/> [^] .


Tammy Mowbray Director of Transportation

Implementation requirements from Trendset

Implementation requirements from Trendset are very well summarized in the following letter from Lisa.

From: Lisa Shampine [2]

Sent: Wed 6/15/2011 1:58 PM

To: Alex Dobrovolsky

Subject: EDI with Elizabeth Arden

Hello from the E-Commerce team at Trendset, Inc. Trendset would like to receive EDI for our mutual client Elizabeth Arden. Attached you will find a list of valid EDI locations for Elizabeth Arden and Trendset's 210 specifications.

Receiver ID - TRN200115

Receiver ID Qualifier - ZZ

Location Code - See attached

Location Code Qualifier - ZZ (Location codes should be placed in the N104 of the shipper segment for prepaid and 3rd party shipments, and in the N104 of the consignee segment for collect shipments)

Type of invoices to be sent EDI - Prepaid, Collect, 3rd Party

If you have round trip or multi stop shipments please include those in your test files.

Segment Terminator - "~" (HEX 7E)

During testing the ISA15 should be a "T". Once approved for production it should be changed to a "P".

      • All invoices transmitted during testing will not be loaded into the Trendset production database unless otherwise notified by the carrier to do so. Please continue to send paper until all testing has been completed and a production notification has been sent.

We will need the following information prior to receiving your first test file.

1. Your company's SCAC Code
2. Name and email of person to received EDI Rejection notices
3. Transmission method (VAN, FTP)

4. Will you have any multi stop invoices?

5. Your sender id and qualifier

Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks and Have a Great Day!

Lisa Shampine

EDI Analyst

Trendset Inc



Current Process that Jaguar handles EA billing

Mantis: 3172 1) Trucking Company send operator a list of shipment CTs that delivered the they before (daily)

2) Jaguar group CTs together in the master> Misc tab> Trucking Biling Manifest

3) Jaguar check the group of shipment that delivered the day before (from the list that the Trucker gave to them) and enter all necessary information such as rate, min, max info, fuel...etc

4) Jaguar generate a Trucking Billing Manifest and save the spreadsheet on their local machine, then Jaguar adjust information (fuel, weight...etc) then send it to the Trucker to review (This process is between Jaguar and the trucker for the billing purpose)

5) Once trucker review the number until it is correct, then trucker send it back to Jaguar for the cost that they will bill Jaguar. At this point Jaguar will use this information and mark up the cost from what Jaguar get billed to Arden to make some profit. They manually calculate and mark up number for Elizabeth Arden. This spreadsheet is worth for one day of delivery

6) Jaguar has to repeat the process 1) -5) for each day for the shipment that delivered each day. They save these spreadsheet on their local machine (Monday to Friday worth of data)

7) Next Monday, Jaguar has to invoice Elizabeth Arden, Jaguar creates a sale invoice from Invoice tab. This invoice is worth for 5 days shipments from the week before. The total cost will cover all 5 days shipments.

8) Jaguar submit the invoice and the Trucking Billing Manifest together to Arden. (Invoice is the cost that Arden has to pay, and Trucking Billing Manifest is the detail of shipments that shipped for this invoice; back up detail information for the invoice)

New Process that has to be changed

As we will transmit the invoice and the trucking billing manifest via EDI. We will need to map these info together. Trucking Billing Manifest, Jaguar has to only generate one spreadsheet that cover with 5 days of shipments that shows detail for each day (1 excel spreadsheet with 5 days of shipments;seperate each day by tab if that's possible) for that particular Trucker instead of create one each day (5 spreadsheets).

Jaguar has to be able to manual edit data(mark up detail cost) on the spreadsheet before transmit the information via EDI with the Sale Invoice.

At this point there should be the option for Jaguar to upload the spreadsheet on the invoice process.


  • see example about mapping from Trendset at note 0010498 from 2996
  • See attached file TRENDSET-EDI210.doc on the mantis 2996 for the schema
  • Additional info that need to map and submit to Trendset:
  • Invoice # from 210 map to Jaguar Invoice (sale invoice): Invoice Number ie. US20572
  • Pro# from 210 map to Jaguar Invoice number with an alpha Character appended to the end. ie. US20572a, US20572b, US 20572c...etc (each alpha character presents each load.
  • BOL# form 210 map to Jaguar load number
  • Step of invoice process
  • Create an invoice with ability to upload and review Trucking Billing Manifest spreadsheet (similar to upload functionality or sku to planner mapping)
  • Transmit button - EDI to trendset
  • Note: Trucking Billing Manifest info consist of CT#, Load#, Ttl Plts, Ttl Pkgs, Ttl Loose, Gross Weight, Freight tatal, Fuel, Total, From, Origin City, Origin State, Origin Zip, Origin Country, To, Dest city, Dest State, Dest zip, and Dest country
  • Invoice table should add 3 more columns: Ability to see spreadsheet(click to preview information), Transmit status (Yes/No), Trendset Status (Yes/No)
  • E-mail notification to users when it failed for transmit to Trendset (EDI rejection Notices)
  • Admin requirements:
  • Admin > Acc > Trendset --> manage config
    • Criteria - what CTs are invoiced through Trendset
      • E0 - This can be more than one E0
      • Export Pick up Trucker
      • Connection (FTP)
        • Send to and receive from (address, Login, Password )
      • Email Notification
        • Jag User - this can be more than one persone (option to select the users who will receive notification
        • This can be managed on this admin or user profile (whichever that makes more sense and easy to implement)
  • Issue credit note (TBD - for how to submit it to Trendset) - Need to confirm with MO first
  • Log of submit file
  • Who submit the file
  • Time to submit the file
  • status of submit the file

Step by step

Step 1 and Step 2


Step 3


Step 4 --> this it the process that will be needed to submit via the system (EDI)


Please note that the upload, download, review, transmit option should be available on both Inv menu page and on the creation invoice page.





Implementation Plan

Project Plan

See xls attached to http://ct.jaguarfreight.com/mantis/view.php?id=3042

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