Cargo Due Date Feature

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Revision as of 16:10, 23 August 2011 by Denise (Talk | contribs)
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  • parent: 0002539: [OSDS] ..... <proj>


Business Needs

Core need

This feature would allow for better optimization, by knowing the number of days to put off picking up shipments; to be able to add more pickups, in the future, to maximize the trucks capacity.


This date feature should not be hard coded; it should be allowed to be managed in CT2 >> Admin >> Client App Admin - TMS tab, as an option to display or not to display. (This would be to allow for the scalability of our current TMS solution, for us to provide to other client companies.)

  • This feature is for Non Jag users that have role, Planner set in their non jag user profile - see Cybertrax_2.1_Client_(requirements)#Core_Planner_Functionality.
    • If Non Jag user has planner role with Cargo Due Date Field on AND basic planner role, this date field is mandatory and must be completed.
    • Also, the system should prevent non jag users with basic planner role from changing the Cargo Due Date set by super planner.
    • If Non Jag user has planner role with Cargo Due Date Field on AND super planner role, this date field is also mandatory and must be completed.
      • They also can confirm the date the was already set by basic planner, by approving and/or place on hold with an approved for pickup date. They do not need to reset the date value.
  • This date needs to be sent to the TMS on the Shipment Import File. (xml mapping, see Data Dic mapping here 2229)
  • Allow the Approved for date to the same as the cargo due date, but it cannot be in the past.
  • This date will also be required for KPI reporting/analysis.
    • Avg Time KPIs


  • Provide option to turn on/off the Cargo Due Date Field on each planner role.
  • This cargo due date field is a Datebox


Released Solution


0002295 [TMS (OSDS)] (Cargo Due Date) Add this feature & date fields to CT2 internal & client app shipper/planner view

WU? No

0003002 [TMS (OSDS)] (Cargo Due Date) Add cargo due date to shipment import under xml attribute EarliestDelDate & LatestDelDate

WU? Yes

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