CK model for Rates DB Air (requirements)

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0002690: [Rates DB] ..... <project>



Actual Gross Weight (GW) is the actual weight of the shipment

Volume Weight (VW) is calculated based on a cargo's size, measurement or dimensions

formula for calculating
Using the English System: L x W x H in inches (in.) / 165 = vw (in lbs.)
Using the Metric System: L x W x H in centimeters (cm.) / 6,000 = vw (in kgs.)

Chargeable Weight of cargo intended for air shipment is the actual gross weight (gw) or the volume weight (vw), whichever is greater.

Weight Break is the point at which the weight or chargeable weight of a shipment is large enough to be assessed the lower freight rates which are applicable to larger shipments, this is as per the carrier's tariff.

Volume Cut is discount offered for voluminous cargo. It is the same concept as weight break, but has its own formula to calculate.

If you have freight that is 100 Kilos and the chargeable weight is 200 Kilos, the co-loader or
airline will offer 10.00 per Kilo with a 50/50 volume cut
This means that you will subtract the actual weight from the chargeable weight and divide the sum by 2.  
Add this total to the actual weight and this is the amount you will be paying for.
(200-100)/2 = 50 + 100 = 150 Kilo's 
Next you will need to break this down into an actual per kilo cost.
You will do this by multiplying the 150 Kilos by the rate offered of 10.00.
150 X 10.00 = 1,500.00
Then dividing the sum of this by the chargeable Kilo's to get the actual per Kilo cost.
1,500.00 / 200 = 7.50 per Kilo
*This volume cut can vary and may not always be 50/50, it could be 25/75, 40/60, etc...

Minimum (Min) is the lowest amount that can be charged for the service.

Maximum (Max) is the highest amount that can be charged for the service.

For additional definitions please see Rates_DB#Glossary


We are rewriting the rate db air - Phase one according to new simplified requirements, provided by Chikei Ho (Module Owner)

Current Business Process

Currently, Chikei has created an excel spreadsheet to maintain and search rates. Each office is sharing this spreadsheet using dropbox.

This enables each office to update their own portion of the rate sheet(all to be added to the same spreadsheet, it is shared).

allows each office to access the other office's rates.

Dropbox is preferred because it is more secure then emailing the rates.

The first page of the spreadsheet is where all of the rates are entered.

Example of spreadsheet

Spreadsheet is to large, to copy in one picture.

1st Picture columns A through Q

File:Air freight spreadsheet example columns a - q.JPG

2nd Picture columns R through AC

File:Air freight spreadsheet example columns r - ac.JPG

Example of pivot table output

File:Air freight spreadsheet Pivot table.JPG

Business Requirements

Core need

To upload excel spreadsheet into a database.

To be able to export the excel spreadsheet from the database.

Uploading the spreadsheet will replace any rates currently in the database.

Core functionality

Personal tools