Release Notes v2.17 May June

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This article describes all features, bugs, tweaks, etc included in CT2 release version 2.17.x

Intended for wide audience: end users, managers, support, etc.

Sprint and Release Info

  • Start: May 30 Mon
  • Release to Staging: July 4 Mon
  • Release to Production: July 8 Thu
  • Number of tasks released: 25

Tasks released

SmartPhone Application project

  • Business Analyst: Montira
  • Project id: 0002237
  • Project short name: SmartPhone App

No tasks has been released.

Air Status and EU Advanced Notice EDI project

  • Business Analyst: Montira
  • Project id: 0002422
  • Project short name: Air Status/EUAN EDI

List of released tasks:

#3027 Bug: Add mapping for Routing and Sender Reference info

#3030 Bug: Click on Transmit button. Even should appear on the log.

#3004 Bug: Transmit button does not show when user clicks "Save"

TMS project

  • Business Analyst: Denise
  • Project id: 0002539
  • Project short name: TMS (OSDS)

List of released tasks:

#2943 Investigate and report on ability to add another client (such as Coty) to existing TMS solution

#2934 Add Pro Number, Load Number & TTL Shipment field to the list of Report Outputs (for In Transit & Main reports)

#2999 Make Haz Y/N field available for view and edit by jaguar operators

International Portal project

  • Business Analyst: Montira
  • Project id: 0002629
  • Project short name: Int Portal

Please note that this project is still in a prototype phase.

#0002892 Phase 1: Air/Ocean Shipper functionality (simple version)

Rates Database project

  • Business Analyst: Tracie
  • Project id: 0002690
  • Project short name: Rates DB

Please note that this project is still in a prototype phase.

#2894 Rates viewer (simple version).

#3041 Contract manager (simple version).

Accounting Miscellaneous project

  • Business Analyst: Tracie
  • Project id: 0002903
  • Project short name: Acc Misc
  • Project description: Miscellaneous changes, tweaks and bugs for Accounting sub-components.

List of released tasks:

#3009 bug: Sales/Internal invoices are not calculating correctly.

#3007 bug: Invoice is missing shipment information on the second page.

#2969 Search Invoices report. Needs option to show/select other currencies.

#2959 P/L report. Needs option to show other currencies.

#2651 P/L report. Add option to report on charge codes.

IT and Misc project

  • Business Analyst: Tira
  • Project id: 0002991
  • Project short name: IT/Misc

No tasks has been released.

EDI with Trendset project

  • Business Analyst: Denise
  • Project id: 0002996
  • Project short name: Trendset

No tasks has been released.

Dashboard (KPI) reports project

  • Business Analyst: Tracie
  • Project id: 0003034
  • Project short name: DR/KPI

List of released tasks:

#2942 Cost per pound (Level 3). Add option to download onto spreadsheet. Provide choices for output columns.

#3058 Create option to turn on and off Internal Dashboard Reports Panel for internal users.

#2412 Create Past Due Arrivals Dashboard report(DR); add ability to define DR for specific group of users.

#2931 Cost per pound KPI. Add more options to level 2.

#3016 Cost per pound KPI. Add more options to level 1: fuel surcharge, time frames. Create dedicated KPI Dashboard.

Client Misc project

  • Business Analyst: Tracie
  • Project id: 0003072
  • Project short name: Client Misc

Ops Misc project

  • Business Analyst: Tracie
  • Project id: 0003073
  • Project short name: Ops Misc
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