International Portal REQUIREMENTS

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  • Related mantis#:
    • 0002629: [Intl Portal] ... <proj>
    • 0002892: [Intl Portal] Implement phase 1


High Level requirement

  • The International web portal development should take into consideration the growing need for "Third party" access to CT2
  • Third Party access refers to customers, shippers, suppliers, agents, truckers etc. to whom partial access of CT2 data (creating records, adding/updating specific fields) is granted.
  • Each third party user type is then given some specific functionality (example of possible functionalities are listed in this article for International portal users).
  • For an example of a third party user type would be customer who could create a record to book a shipment...rather than sending the information to JFS for data entry by JFS staff.

Requirements Summary

JFS would like to have an International Web portal that can be easily configurable and flexible to suit all the third party users including all client companies. There are many different types of users, so each type of user can be specific in terms of configuration. In order to suit the specific needs of users, we should provide a system that can be easily configured through admin module to manage each type of users such as functionality, visibility, ability, etc.

Users should be able to manage their own UI setting for their view

Core need

Add additional user roles to CT2: International Shipper, Agent, Trucker, etc. Make as flexible as possible.

Core functionality

  • Add International Shipper role with related functionality
  • option to choose ability to create/edit/delete/view/clone shipments
  • option to select available fields from Admin (subset of fields)
    • Which fields are available for shipper to create/edit or view...etc
  • option to create a shipper or a group of shippers
  • option to have ability to create a report for the shipment that shipper has visibility to
  • International shipper should be able to select/manage their own's user interface after the default functionality and value that were set in Admin
  • See detail: #International Shipper functionality

  • Add International Planner role with related functionality
  • option to validate/edit/view shipments
  • options for approval
    • Auto approval
    • Manual approval
    • EDI automated validation to approve (future requirement)
    • EDI to validate to upload (import data)
  • option to create a planner or a group of planners
  • options for fields to update/view shipments
  • options for each method of validation of shipments
  • option to have ability to create a report for the shipment that planner has visibility to
  • See detail: #International Planner functionality

  • Add Agent role with related functionality
  • option to choose ability to create/edit/delete/view/clone shipments
  • option to create CTs, list CTs and list Master that belongs to that particular agent
  • option to select available fields from Admin (subset of fields)
    • Which fields are available for agent to create/edit or view...etc
  • option to create an agent or a group of agents
  • ability to create reports for only specific shipments that agent has visibility to
  • See detail: #Agent functionality

  • Add Trucker role with related functionality
  • option to edit/update/view shipments
  • option to select available fields from Admin (subset of fields)
    • Which fields for a shipment that Trucker can see and/or edit
  • option to create a trucker or a group of truckers
  • See detail: #Trucker functionality

  • Add Jaguar User role for extra functionality
  • Option to set for view/access shipments right based on filters:
    • Office
    • Geographic
    • PO#
    • PO Issued by
    • Pick up Location
    • Ship to Location
    • Etc
  • Option to create master, add to master, change mode, edit fields of shipment
  • Option to create documents, upload documents and other ability that operators currently have such as Internal comment, Comment, Query...etc
    • All functionality should be flexible enough to set for operator's shipment accessibility
  • Ability to select available fields from admin (subset of fields) as well as ability for edit or view only
  • option to create an individual Jaguar operator or a group of Jaguar operators with the same visibility
  • Each Jaguar operator should have at least a dashboard to show a list of approved shipments
  • See detail: #Jaguar operator functionality

  • Ability to add other roles with related functionality through Admin (possible? feasible?)

  • Add some new common functionality (any role)
  • All CT2 fields should be available to manage on Admin for each role
  • Right access to fields per role and/or per group (edit/delete/view etc)
  • Wizard report user interface should be managable from the default value by users
  • See detail: #Common functionality

Requirements Details

International Shipper functionality

  • Each shipper can have different ability and right access to each shipment and list of shipment
  • Each shipper can create one or many modes of transportation even undefined mode
  • Each functionality can be set for each shipper's accessibility to use
  • For example shipper A can only view shipments for particular shipper's company and belong to particular client company or companies but shipper B can create/edit/delete/view/clone shipments for particular shipper's company and belong to particular client company or companies
  • Group of shippers can be created and each shipper can belong to a group of shippers that has the same functionality and the same right for accessibility and visibility- option to create a shipper or a shipper group
  • For example, shipper A has ability to edit field1 but shipper B doesn't have ability to edit field1 but field1 can be available to view
  • For example, shipper can create a shipment and has ability to select a mode of transportation (Undefined, Air, Ocean) that are available for the option or select undefined mode
  • customized functionality, MOT, fields, etc can be set as a group of shipper. A shipper that links to the group will have the same ability and visibility as other in the same group.
  • Each field can be set to be available for particular shippers
  • Ability to create a report for the shipment that shipper has visibility to
  • Download to excel feature - option to select which fields should be available for shipper to download to excel (output list)

International Planner functionality

  • Each planner can have different ability for approval of shipments
  • options for approval
    • Auto approval
    • Manual approval
      • Single step approval process
      • Double approval process (similar to EA Stamford feature)
        • Provide a location/tab/color code status/filters/possible location to show all shipments that requires an additional finalized approval or validation process.
    • EDI automated validation to approve (future requirement)
      • This can be done by comparing ASN data against client's ERP data
        • For example, data can be PO#, Item code, quatity, date, etc (detail requirement will be defined in the future)
        • If it is match, then approve/proceed
        • If it is mismatch, then "review process to be determined"
    • EDI to validate to upload (import data; similar to SKU to planner mapping upload)
      • JFS can receive daily reports (.xls, csv, .html etc) and upload to the system for approval status to validate ASN data
      • System should be able to validate and update the system from what JFS receives and uploads
  • Each planner can have different accessibility of shipment to approve for each mode of transportation
  • For example, plannerA can approve ocean shipment only, plannerB can approve ocean shipment for single step process and air shipments for double approval process as a basic planner, plannerC can approve all the modes of transportation that he has some accessibility to as a final approval planner, and plannerD can only view shipments only.
  • Each field can be set to be available for planner to validate/edit/view
  • Ability to create a report for the shipment that planner has visibility to
  • Download to excel feature - option to select which fields should be available for planner to download to excel (output list)
  • This should be managed in admin to enable/disable reporting on each data element - options for which fields to be available to display when the shipment has been approved for each mode on the shipment display and/or report.
  • all CT2 fields such as Airway-bill from export tab, ports, airports, dates from export/import tab, container# from container table, confirmation custom clearance status, etc as it should be configurable to display on the portal as well as the report output list
  • option to create a planner or a planner group
    • customized functionality, MOT, fields, etc can be set as a group of planners. A planner that links to the group will have the same ability and visibility as other in the same group.

Agent functionality

  • Each agent can have different setting for functionality, visibility, and right accessibility
  • This should be limited to creating a shipment record only for the shippers that would normally handle shipments for example Asia, Europe, Australia, South America, etc.
  • Purpose: having agents using CT is to tie up the business relationship, relieve our respective regional office of some data entries, offer them visibility and have the possibility to capture new local business
  • Each agent that is local for particular city, country will create a CT record - key in the booking information as well as the packing information and the shipping information
  • Each functionality and fields can be set whether it can be available for agent
  • option to choose ability to create/edit/delete/view/clone shipments
  • option to create CTs, list CTs and list Masters that belong to that particular agent
    • Create CT - Agent ID must be attached to each CT created
    • List CTs, List masters - only those shipments that assigned to the particular agent
  • option to select available fields from Admin (subset of fields)
    • Which fields are available for agent to create/edit or view...etc
  • option to create some documents
    • Which doc that agent can create. For example Jaguar Bill of Lading and HAWB must be issued by the respective JFS regional office with some exception (we can allow some countries such as Indonesia but not China for legal issue for their bill of lading. This will remain under a strict control of JFS regional office). The other documents (DO, Pick Up order, Arrival Notice) will be generated by the Agent on JFS behalf with their own letter head. It should be flexible in term of who can create which document.
  • option to create an agent or a group of agents
  • ability to create reports and using Where Is report for only specific shipments that agent has visibility to
  • option to choose ability to view/upload uploaded docs

Trucker functionality

  • Each trucker can have different setting for functionality, visibility and right accessibility for fields and shipments
  • Some trucker can only view the shipments that he has visibility to, but some trucker can update a field(s) such as Delivery by date field of shipment
  • Each trucker can see shipments that associate with the shipments that belong to that trucker company
  • option to create a trucker or a group of truckers
  • ability to create reports for only specific shipments that that particular trucker has visibility to

Jaguar operator functionality

Other roles functionality

  • Ability to add more roles in the system
  • Customize functionality, ability, accessibility, and visibility to fields and shipments through admin module (Power Admin)

Common functionality

  • All CT2 fields should be available to manage on Admin for each role
  • The goal is to eliminate data entry by Jaguar operators, so we would like to let other as third party to update info on the CT2 instead
  • Each field can be managed per role or per group of user roles for ability to view only or edit and view
  • CT2 mandatory fields can be set in admin
    • If a field is set as a mandatory field, it should show asterisk symbol (*) on the label, so that can be easily help user to know which field is mandatory
    • Mandatory field cannot be empty - show error message
    • For example, all fields from GenTab, ContTab, etc are available to set to be available for each type of user such as Dim table is available for shipper to enter when shipment mode is set to ocean and/or air.
    • Err pop-up window should show if at least one of the mandatory fields is empty.
      • Each field should be flexible to be mandatory/optional for some specific group of users.
  • For example, mode of transportation should be options for user to edit/view for each role such as shipper A creates a shipment with undefined mode, then planner A approves the shipment with ocean mode or shipper B creates a shipment with ocean mode, then planner B approves shipment with ability to change mode to Air.
  • List of dropdown option for field can be limited to each user
  • For example, shipper has option to select mode: undefined, Air, and Ocean, on the other hand Planner has option to select mode: Undefined, Air and Ocean, moreover Jaguar operator has option to select mode in detail: Undefined, Air, ocean-FCL, ocean-FCL (AW), ocean-FCL (MLB), ocean-LCL, and ocean-client console
  • All CT2 from Internal Application - should be designed how to show on International Portal(shipper, planner, trucker, agent, etc).
  • This can be group of location displaying such as on internal application it group by tab like general, Cont, Exp, Imp tabs...etc.
  • Not all the fields are available for everyone, this should be configurable from admin to apply each user/role
  • Add new field to CT2 as well as on International Portal:
  • Delivery By date field
    • Meaning: Deadline to delivery to the destination
    • This field can be set by trucker or planner or etc - this should be configurable on the admin
      • For example, this could be for the third party access for the trucker role which trucker role can see on their portal for the list of shipment that undelivered to and from that trucker. A trucker from DD Jone can set the delivery date field.
  • Right access to fields per role and/or per group (edit/delete/view etc)
  • For example, planner A can be a super planner to approve only ocean shipment but be a basic planner to approve Air shipment. Air shipment will be pending for a final approval by a super planner for Air
  • User interface view (wizard) should be manageable from the default value by users
  • For example shipper A would like to have a view of shipment list that shows CT#, Created On, Pick Up Location, Delivery Location, P.O, qty but shipper B would like to have a view of shipment list that shows CT#, Approved For, Pick up Location, Delivery Location, P.O., SKU, qty, Item Description.
  • Dashboard functionality should be able to configure on admin for each group of operators and or individual operator
  • International shipments that were entered through portal should be available on the dashboard on Internal application
    • Dashboard to show list of approved shipments to segregate mode of transportation
      • Dashboard for Air shipment - Air statistic (similar idea as Truck-Dom Statistic dashboard)
      • Dashboard for Ocean shipment - Ocean statistic (similar idea as Truck-Dom Statistic dashboard)
    • Criteria of numbers to show on the dashboard
      • Approved, Routed for pick up, book for Air, departed, arrived, and delivered
      • Approved, Routed for pickup, book for ocean, departed, arrived, and delivered
      • If it is possible to make dashboard configuration flexible for which criteria to show, that would be an ideal. Otherwise it is ok.
    • Dashboard should be able to be configured to show number of approved shipments in the specific setting of user's visibility
      • List of shipments for each users can be different by the setting filters in admin
  • Each user should have ability to manage their own setting filter of number of shipments/ list of shipment on the dashboard (dashboard setting - lower level)
    • This allow operator to customize his/her own dashboard
    • This can be set as a subset of shipment visibility default value
  • Each group of operators can have different view of dashboards depending on visibility and accessing setting per each group of users (Admin - upper level)
    • For examples of criteria:
      • Shipment that ships from, delivery to, office
      • Shipment that ships from and to region, country
      • Each users can see shipments that office or geographic specific, or ship to and from location specific
      • Providing filter such as showing only specific mode: AIR for shipments that ship from X to Y - provide option in user setting
      • Providing filter such as showing only specific client company or multiple client companies
      • Providing filter to show only shipments that belong to the particular office such as showing shipments that belong to NY office only
      • Setting can be a combination of office and origin and destination shipment
      • Setting for combination of filters
  • fields of shipment list can be updated from dashboard
    • Every field (CT2) should be available on virtual group update
      • This will allow Jaguar operator to update fields one/many shipments all at once
  • Milestone visibility and/or accessibility should be set-able from Admin
  • Shipments should be able to segregate by mode such as Air, Ocean
  • Milestones option:
    • New
    • Approved
    • Picked up
    • Departed
    • Arrived
    • Delivered
    • Archived
    • Hold
    • Rejected
  • Email notification for all milestones should be able to manage in admin for:
  • Who will receive a notification
  • When to receive a notification
  • Where message should be sent from and to
  • Message should be recorded on the log history
  • notification
  • Agent should be able to select/manage their own's user interface after the default functionality and value that were set in Admin
    • For example, agent can select what they would like to see (subset of default shipments) shipments such as only show for shipments that has shipments that ship to particular ship to location.
    • For example, ageny can change the view of shipment on their own user interface such as shipper would like to see shipment record that shows MOT, Pick up location, ship to location, and created on date columns on their own shipment list report screen
  • Query

Q and A


Pre Implementation Architect Notes

Written by Architect after previous section is completed.

Implementation Notes

To be written by Developer or BA by the time UAT is completed. Briefly defines what was implemented and how.

Post Implementation Architect Notes

Written by Architect after previous section is completed.

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