Inv Tab

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Business Needs and Requirements

Operators need a facility in CT2 where they can:

  • see existing invoices/credit notes
  • issue new invoices/credit notes

Technical Specification

Figure 1:Invoice Tab


  • See Media:Invoice_Tab.JPG
  • This component is located on "Invoice Tab" on CT profile
  • It consists of:
    • Invoice menu (1 on Figure 1)
    • Sale Invoices/CN Table (2 on Figure 1)
    • Internal Invoices/CN Table (3 on Figure 1)

Invoice menu

  • Issue Sales Invoice - user have to press this button to issue a new Sales Invoice. As a result New Sales Invoice Template will appear (see wiki article: Sales Invoice).
  • Issue Internal Invoice - user have to press this button to issue a new Internal Invoice. As a result New Internal Invoice Template will appear (see wiki article: Internal Invoice).

Sale Invoices/Credit Notes Table

It contains all Sales Invoices and Credit Notes ever issued for this CT.

It consists of 8 columns.

  • Document#:
    • "Invoice No" attribute in case of Invoice. Example: US261.
    • "Credit Note No" attribute in case of approved Credit Note. Example: USC190.
    • "PENDING" text line in case of non-approved Credit Note.
  • Date Issued:
    • Date when Invoice or Credit Note was issued. Displayed in standard CT2 date format. Example: 10-Aug-2010.
  • Issued By:
    • Name of Jaguar User who created this accounting document. Displayed as "First Name + Last Name".
  • Issued To:
    • Bill To Party Company of Invoice. Displayed as Unique Id: Company Name - City - Remark.
  • Amount:
    • Invoice Amount with two decimal places. In case of Credit Note it should be shown with minus sign.
  • Currency:
    • Name of document currency. Displayed as abbreviated currency code. Example: GBP.
  • Action Controls. This column has blank title and contains next buttons:
    • In case of Invoice: View Document and Issue Credit Note buttons.
    • In case of approved Credit Note: only View/Print Document button.
    • In case of non-approved Credit Note: View Document, Approve and Reject buttons.
  • Client:
    • Sign of visibility of Invoice for Client User. Displayed as checkbox.

Internal Invoices/Credit Notes Table

Dev History

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