2766 rfd

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Revision as of 16:16, 8 March 2011 by Andrei (Talk | contribs)
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  • mantis: 2766 ((Acc Report: Misc) Add a special view to accounting report to show estimation

Requirements and Solutions

  • Task type: Change.
  • Where: Profit Loss for Multiple CTs report.
  • What: Add option that would enable a special view "Estimation" to show estimated charges vs actual charges.


  • When the estimation is to be included on this report the report should have the following additional columns.
Estimated Sales
Estimated Purchase
Estimated Internal From
Actual Internal From
Estimated Internal To
Actual Internal To
  • The estimation columns should be located next to the corresponding actual column (for example, Actual Sales > Estimated sales).
  • Any P/L (Profit/Loss) headings should be replaced with GM (Gross Margin) for this report.

Output Columns

  • Office - Jaguar Office where was issued given CT.
  • Transport Mode of CT.
  • Client.
  • CT #.
  • GRP # - this column shows group that CT belongs to or blank if none.
  • Actual Sales - USD total amount from Sale Invoices Table on Inv Tab (or USD Sales from P/L Tab).
  • Estimated Sales - USD total estimated sales from Estimated Charges Table on Est Tab.
  • Actual Purchase - USD total amount of Purchase Invoices that issued against given CT (or USD Purchase from P/L Tab).
  • Estimated Purchase - USD total estimated costs from Estimated Charges Table on Est Tab.
  • Actual Internal From - USD total amount from Jaguar Office where was issued given CT (also from Internal Invoices Table on Inv Tab).
  • Estimated Internal From - ?
  • Actual Internal To - USD total amount of Internal Invoices that billed to Jaguar Office where was issued given CT.
  • Estimated Internal To - ?
  • Actual Gross Margin (Act GM) - - calculated as USD (Actual Sales - Actual Purchase).
  • Estimated Gross Margin (Est GM) - calculated as USD (Estimated Sales - Estimated Purchase).
  • Actual Gross Margin % (Act GM %) - calculated by formula: (Actual Gross Margin / Actual Sales) x 100.
  • Estimated Gross Margin % (Est GM %) - calculated by formula: (Estimated Gross Margin / Estimated Sales) x 100.

Architect Review

Implementation Notes

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