2782 rfsa

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Parent mantis

0002422: [Air Status EDI] ............. <proj parent>


  • FSU-message - Freight Status Update message - Incoming message from Descartes to CT2
    • Set up in XML format
  • FSR-message - Freight Status Request message - Outgoing message to Descartes GLN
    • Set up in XML format
  • FSA-message - Freight Status Answer message - Incoming message from Descartes to CT2
    • Set up in XML format
  • FWB-message - Forwards way bill or MAWB details - Out going message to Descartes GLN
    • Set Up in CargoImp format


Descartes is offering a service to automate air status updates.

In order to receive these updates for shipments that we do not book directly with the airline (which is the majority of shipments), we need to send a FSR message to Descartes and Descartes will pass this information on to the airlines. In response to the FSR message the airline will send back and FSU or FSA to Descartes, which Descartes will push through to our system. These messages should update the actual airport of departure date, trans-shipment actual arrival date (if applicable) and actual airport of arrival date.

Implementing Automatic updates would save the operators a lot of time. Currently the operators call the airlines and manually enter these updates.

Business Requirements

An FSU message should be transmitted under the following conditions.

Only if the full 11 digit airline is set and the airline is set and the estimated departure is set.

The FSR should start sending 1 day prior to departure or when departure date is set to the current date and plus 24 hours. The FSR should continue to transmit every X hours until the actual airport of departure date has been confirmed and updated.

  • Status code for Departure in the FSU or FSA is DEP

The FSR should begin to start to transmit again 24 hours prior to the estimated arrival of the trans-shipment airport if applicable and continue to send every X hours until the actual arrival of the trans-shipment airport has been updated. If no trans-shipment airport is entered, this step should be skipped.

  • Status code for arrival of a trans-shipment airport RCF (received from flight) or ARR.

The FSR should again begin to start to send 24 hours prior to estimated arrival of the destination airport and continue to send every X hours until the actual arrival of the destination airport has been confirmed and update.

  • Status code for arrival of the destination airport is ARR.

*Current conditions have been hard coded and we have been advised is no longer required.
**Specified Airlines
**Specified Origin Country - Gen tab, 11. Origin country; 
We will need an admin section which will be defined

Split case

The CT should update the CT#Airport Of Departure Actual Date when the first piece has departed and update when the last piece departs and the CT#Airport Of Destination Actual Date when the first piece arrives and updated when the last piece updates.

A comment should be posted showing the following updates as a notification on the above.

    • SPLIT SHIPMENT - First part has departed
    • SPLIT SHIPMENT - Last part has departed
    • SPLIT SHIPMENT - First part has arrived
    • SPLIT SHIPMENT - Last part has arrived

The system will need to keep a count after the first departure, until the CT#Grand Total: Loose Pkgs or CT#Grand Total: Pkgs On Plts total matches, to accurately update the first and last parts. All other departures or arrivals should not update the record.

When to send messages

CT2 system should send Ct#MAWB through EDI as soon as it gets assigned by operator.

    • It seems that this is set up to send at the time the operator clicks save. I think this should be changed because we do not want to send an FSU message until the record is complete. UAT has shown that the mawb is being transmitted to the airline once the airline is assigned and save is hit. So the operator does not have to enter even the remaining digits of the mawb.
    • We should also have a place to be able to view any rejected messages or messages that do not match records.

Use Case Operator changed MAWB

This is addressed in a separate http://ct.jaguarfreight.com/wiki/2555_rfsa

UAT Plan

Use Case 1 User enters MAWB in CT profile

  • 1) User enters MAWB in CT profile (Exp tab)
  • 2) click Save, system should produce co pop-up
    • Specified / Separate message details sections (same as we have in admin > client application admin > TMS tab, but it should not interfere with this tab or be combined with this tab)

This would work only for specific set or airlines/origin (hardcoded for now).
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