Jaguar Servers Systems Applications

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This is an overview of current servers, systems and applications in Jaguar NY office and Cloud.

See Jaguar Network diagram below:

File:Network diagramm.JPG



  • What: web filter
  • Users: most NY office users (8-8 EST)
  • Usage pattern: constant, all users will be down if app is down; most users have browser pointing to it for internet access

Door card DB

  • What: users info about NY office main door access (not sure what is there)
  • Users: (he is responsible for managing cards)
  • Usage pattern: approx once a week

Sugar CRM

  • What: CRM for Sales Dept (global)
  • Users: All Jaguar Sales -
Chikei Ho; Harry Morgan; Janine Hines; Percy Kaye; Simon Kaye; Sylvia Jenkins; Vikesh Vithlani
  • Usage pattern: global, unknown, low between 19-20 EST


Main Jaguar App. There are several versions - see below. Always have 2 parts (wars/urls): internal and client.

CT2 EA Demo

  • What: Demo version of CT2 for Sales Dept to demonstrate to prospective Clients CT2 functionality
  • Users: All Jaguar Sales - and any client users during the scheduled demo and possibly after if salesman left them login info
  • Usage pattern: unknown

CT2 Demo

  • What: Demo version of CT2 for QA and UAT. RE-deployed almost daily.
  • Users: CT2 Team plus MOs occasionally
  • Usage pattern: 24x7 with heavy during:
    • NY: (8-20 EST)
    • Kiev: (2-19 EST)

CT2 Staging

  • What: Staging version of CT2 for QA before release and bug investigation
  • Users: CT2 Team plus MOs occasionally
  • Usage pattern: most heavy before release or emergency release, could be used for bug investigation any day


  • What: CT2 source code repository
  • Users: CT2 Team, mostly Development Team
  • Usage pattern:
    • not well known; few pages used frequently for read over http
    • probably at least once a day at least 1 developer checks in or out some code


  • What: task and bug tracking system for CT2 and IT
  • Users: CT2 Team, list could grow in the future
  • Usage pattern: 24x7 with heavy during:
    • NY: (8-20 EST)
    • Kiev: (2-19 EST)
    • SF: ?
    • BKK:?


  • What: info repository for CT2 and IT (specs, etc)
  • Users: CT2 Team plus MOs occasionally
  • Usage pattern: 24x7 with heavy during:
    • NY: (8-20 EST)
    • Kiev: (2-19 EST)
    • SF: ?
    • BKK:?

Servers in NY

1) Squid proxy - this is the only server that is required for NY office network

  • #Squid
    • could be discontinued in the future
  • #Door card DB
    • could be migrated into simple xls (for Michael to manage)
    • per Michael this App can be discontinued

Box: old PC

2) Sugar CRM / EA Demo server

  • (old) #Sugar CRM app - This has been migrated to *.74 CT2 server in a cloud
    • could be discontinued now
  • #CT2 EA Demo - instances of internal and Client CT2 Apps for Sales
    • has to be migrated

Box: new Optiplex 330

3) Dev

Box: new Optiplex 330

4) Dev Firewall

  • firewall for Dev server

Box: old PC

5) Mantis

  • #Mantis (old version)
    • not used, to be discontinued now
  • #Wiki (old version)
    • not used, to be discontinued now
  • #SVN
    • in active use

Box: new Precision 390

6) Ext

  • backups for Dev server apps (anything else?)
    • used, not clear what exactly is there

Box: new Optiplex 330

7) Specs - video tutorial Dev Server

  • not used, can be discontinued

Box: old PC

8) Test/Dev for Sugar CRM

  • not used, can be discontinued

Box: old PC

Servers in the Cloud CT2

In Texas Cost: ???


  • /internal
  • /Client


  • MySQL 5.*
  • Tomcat 6.*
  • Java 1.6.*
  • vsftpd - for Descartes
  • rsync
  • SSL
  • sendmail or postfix

Cron jobs: TBD


  • uploaded files
  • pdfs
  • invoices CT1

In London Cost:???


  • website on Apache (actively used)
  • CT1 on Tomcat 5 (rarely used)
  • bugtrucking (idle)


  • MySQL 4.*
  • Tomcat 5.*
  • Apache(modules: ...)
  • Java 1.?.*
  • SSL
  • sendmail or postfix


  • QB backups for NY office

Cron jobs: TBD

Older articles: CT2 Development Systems and HR transition 2011

Future solution

4 newer PCs as identified in previous section has to be re-used as user Desktops.

Servers and applications will be located / distributed as follows:


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