CT2 Release Procedure

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Revision as of 00:44, 4 February 2011 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Mantis

  • see also 0002474: SOP on CT2 application deployment using scripts

[edit] Admin initial steps

[edit] Notify Users

Send to: alljaguarglobal (alljaguarglobal@jaguarfreight.com)

Admin ! Make sure you notify 6 hours in advance!

Dear Jaguar Global,
CT2 will not be available from 6:00 pm EST to approximately 8:00 pm EST today. 
We are going to perform the server maintenance and release.
An e-mail notification will be sent when CT2 is back online. Thank you for your patience. 
Best Regards, 
Jaguar Freight IT Department

[edit] Stop Tomcat

go to /opt/tomcat/bin as root (su -)
type ./shutdown.sh
pgrep java
pkill -9 java

[edit] Make a backup of the war file

cp -a Client.war /opt/wbackup/Client/Client.war.bak_enter_date
cp -a internal.war /opt/wbackup/internal/internal.war.bak_enter_date

[edit] Create a mysqldump of Cybertrax Internal database

mysqldump -uroot -p <...> -R --single-transaction cybertraxInternal > /var/backup/ct2_2009_jan_6.sql

[edit] Delete Internal and Client wars

rm -f Client.war
rm -f internal.war

[edit] Start tomcat

type ./startup.sh

[edit] Undeploy any remaining Client or internal webapps

click on undeploy next to any remaing Client or internal webapp

[edit] Developer steps

[edit] Patch DB for New Release

through Navicat

[edit] Deploy war file with New Release

from tomcat manager

[edit] Admin final steps

[edit] Email 1

Dear Jaguar Global,

CT2 is back online.

Best Regards,

IT Department

New York

[edit] Email 2

Dear All,

New version of CT2 has been released.

Please continue to send bug reports to ihelp@jaguarfreight.com

Next release will happen in approximately 30 days.

Thank you for your cooperation,

IT Department

New York

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