2681 rfsa

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0002681: Cancelled shipments

We need a way for operators to cancel shipments for all modes of transport without deleting the record. On occasion shipments are cancelled after starting or the point of pick up, but before completion or delivery. When this occurs, the operators need away to cancel the shipment, that would allow the shipments to be saved with original information retained in the record, but we need the systems be able to determine the shipment is cancelled. The current way operators are cancelling shipments by marking the shipment as delivered and adding a comment in the comments section of the record. The problem is the system has no way of determining that the shipment is cancelled and not delivered.

Business Requirements

When a shipment is cancelled, all shipment information should be saved in the record.

When a shipment is cancelled, all the remaining date information needs to either updated with the cancel date or bypassed by the system. This is so these records do not show up on any in transit or action required reports.

A cancelled shipment should be accessible on internal ONLY, clients should not have access to these records.

Once a shipment is cancelled, it should be handled the same as an archived shipment.

  • Having separate tabs in list main > List CT's

File:Cancelled shipment.JPG

  • Option to include or exclude cancelled shipments from all reports that provide this option for archived shipments.

File:Cancelled shipments reports.JPG

Note: It is possible to have both Purchase Invoices and Sales Invoices issued against these shipments.

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