2608 rfsa

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Revision as of 14:44, 12 January 2011 by Denise (Talk | contribs)
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  • mantis:


  • Have ALL CT2 fields for output and filtering
    • CT fields
    • Commodity fields
    • Container fields
    • include non CT object/components, for IE:
      • salesman
      • internal user groups
      • users offices
  • How to group so many filters? Additional tabs? Groups on one tab?
    • suggest solution
  • How to group or order them on Output Tab (Select From panel):
    • now they are not grouped / ordered and when we have a very long list this is an issue
    • now we need to select one at a time - this is too slow
    • please suggest alternative designs so we can choose
  • Internal vs Client:
    • All fields should only be available for internal

Options for Output

  • Have output tab be a recap list, of all the checked filters
  • Give option to move up, down & remove
  • If no filters selected, default settings to:
    • shipper
    • consignee
    • qty
    • origin
    • destination
    • departure date
    • arrival date
    • PO
    • SKU
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