Shipment Milestones and Phases
From UG
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Simple cases per MOT
Note: milestone and point is the same thing in this article.
- Export phase
- {Pick-up or Collection Point}: Truck comes to pick up commodities to the "shipper's" origin door(oD) in Bayonne, NY, USA.
- {Departure Point}: Truck brings them to Airport of Departure in New York, NY, USA
- commodities are loaded on the plane
- Import phase
- {Arrival Point}: Airplane brings them to Airport Of Destination Kiev, Ukraine
- commodities are unloaded from the plane
- Truck comes to pick up commodities
- {Delivery Point}: Truck brings them to "consignee's" destinantion door(dD) in Chernobil, Ukraine
Ocean LCL
Same as air but instead of airports you have ports.
Ocean FCL
I this case one shipment consists of multiple containers that travel together from origin port to destination port.
But there are multiple origin doors (one per container in the most general case) and multiple destination doors (one per container in the most general case)
Trucking MOTs
All trucking MOTs in CT2 cover only import segment. In this case it is assumed that export segment is covered by another freight forwarding company, not Jaguar.
Ocean Trucking-Domestic
- Truck comes to pick up commodities at {Arrival Point}
- {Delivery Point}: Truck brings them to "consignee's" destinantion door
Ocean Trucking-Air
- Truck comes to pick up commodities at {Arrival Point} (which is airport in this case)
- {Delivery Point}: Truck brings them to "consignee's" destinantion door
Ocean Trucking-Ocean
- Truck comes to pick up commodities at {Arrival Point} (which is ocean port in this case)
- {Delivery Point}: Truck brings them to "consignee's" destinantion door
- Note, that in CT2 we assume that it is a case with multiple containers (multiple doors)
More complex cases or representations
Sometimes there more milestones that exists for the shipment path and we want to track them all. Examp[les of those: terminals, warehouses, etc.
In case of Ocean it is possible that there are 2 additional points where goods are transferred possibly involving rail. We call them Terminals (T): origin terminal (OT) and destination terminal (DT). In this case CT path would look like this:
orig. Door > orig Terminal > orig. Port > dest. Port > dest. Terminal > Dest. Door
oD > oT > oP > dP > dT > dD
Trans-shipment Airport
In this case goods area transferred from one plane to another.
- In general or even in most cases there are also origin warehouse (oW) where goods are consolidated and destination Warehouse (dW)were goods are de-consolidated.
If you account for them then CT path would be:
oD > oW > (oT) > oP > dP > dT > dW > dD
- IN CT2 we do not track much about them so they are mostly excluded from design, etc.
Collected, Departed, Arrived, Delivered chain
Representation of Milestones in CT
CT2 fields related to milestones
- anyMOT.GenTab.Origin point and GenTab.Destination point