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  • 0002648: [EU Advanced Notice] Implement this


EUAN - European Union Advanced Notice

EUAN Conditions

CT satisfy "EUAN Conditions" if:

Master satisfy "EUAN Conditions" if all CTs under Master satisfy this condition.

EUAN values are set in #EUAN Admin.

Requirements and Solutions

Core need: EU (European Union) Customs will be enforcing new regulations which will require information be sent via EDI to the airlines prior to departure.

The following functionality has to be added:

EUAN Admin

Add "EU Advanced Notice (EUAN)" item to Main Menu > Admin. This is to set system wide EUAN values.

  • EUAN MOT (multiselect)
  • EUAN airline (multiselect)
  • EUAN From country (multiselect)
  • EUAN To country (multiselect)

HTS field

For CTs that satisfy #EUAN Conditions add HTS field to Table A, Cont Tab:

  • 20 chars max
  • alphanumeric

Transmit button

On Master Details Tab (for Air Masters that satisfy #EUAN Conditions) add Transmit button.

On Transmit send #EUAN Message.

Transmit Log

On Master Details Tab (for Air Masters that satisfy #EUAN Conditions) add read only Transmit Log textarea.

Post there confirmation from Descartes that #EUAN Message was received or rejected, etc.

EUAN Message

This message is to be sent to Descartes on Transmit - see #Transmit button.

Message specification is defined in pdf files attached to mantis#0002648.

Architect Review

Implementation Notes

QA Plan


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