2190 rfsa

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Revision as of 22:24, 21 December 2010 by Denise (Talk | contribs)
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  • mantis: 2190: (CT Tabs: Export) For MOT Ocean, add OHBL validation steps to export tab and record the same in the updates log


This is only for CTs that have MOT = Ocean

  • Add some sort of validation message for the first time of any information is entered into the Exp_Tab fields asking the operator to confirm if an original house bill of lading is required with a Y/N option.
    • Note: some of the export fields can also be updated through the CT master.
  • Post operators confirmation in the updates log.
    • Not allow an operator to enter CT_bo#Import_Ref to be added.
    • Not allow the Imp_Tab from being updated.
    • Not allow certain import documents to be generated until the record is unlocked.
      • Arrival Notice
      • Delivery Order
      • Freight Release
  • Add some sort of unlock feature to allow specific users who have permission to unblock those fields from being updated.
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