About Acc CT2 Module

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This is an introductory article into Acc CT2 Module.


Read in this order:


Full list from Mantis:

Mantis#	Component
837	(Acc Admin)........ Admin components 
953	(Acc Misc)......... Miscellaneous
628	(Acc: PI).......... Purchase Invoices management
705	(Acc: SI&II)....... Sales an Internal Invoices management

Mantis field comp value: Acc

Separate category has been created for Acc Reports: Category:AccReps

2250	(Acc Report: Acc Milestones) ..........parent
2303	(Acc Report: CTs With No Inv) ..........parent
2581	(Acc Report: Incomplete PI Report) ..........parent
650	(Acc Report: Misc) ..........parent
2175	(Acc Report: P and L) ..........parent
1938	(Acc Report:CTs With No Inv)
1942	(Acc Report:Search Inv) ................... <parent>

Mantis field comp value: AccReps

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