Purchase Invoice Tab

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Business Needs and Requirements

This tab should be in each CT record to:

  • see existing purchase invoices of current CT
  • add new purchase invoice for current CT
  • NOTE: this should be in addition to the current location of add new purchase invoice (Main Menu> Acc> Add New Purchase Invoices).

Technical Specification

Figure 1:Purchase Invoice Tab


Purchase Invoice menu

  • Add - user have to press this button to issue a new Purchase Invoice. As a result New Purchase Invoice Template will appear (see wiki article: Purchase Invoices CT2 component).
    • When adding a new purchase invoice from the CT record, the CT number should automatically fill in and should not be editable.
      This will make sure that only PI's belonging to that CT record can be entered there.
    • When the CT record is part of a group shipment, system should show a pop up window similar to the same in Sales Invoice.
      The operator should be able to select which CT records the Purchase Invoice should apply to.
  • Edit - user have to press this button to edit an existing Purchase Invoice. As a result pre- filled Purchase Invoice Template will appear.
  • Remove - user have to press this button to remove an existing Purchase Invoice from CT2. As a result confirmation window will appear.

NOTE: The PInv tab should be restricted for editing.

  • Operators should all be able to view this screen.
  • Only individuals in the accounting department should be able to edit, add, or remove any information on this screen.

Purchase Invoices Table

It contains all Purchase Invoices ever issued for this CT.

It consists of 7 columns.

  • Document#:
    • "Invoice No" attribute.
  • Date Issued:
    • Date when Purchase Invoice was issued. Displayed in standard CT2 date format. Example: 10-Aug-2010.
  • Office:
    • Jaguar Office that received this accounting document.
  • Vendor:
    • Vendor Company name of Purchase Invoice. Displayed as Unique Id: Company Name - City - Remark.
  • Currency:
    • Name of document currency. Displayed as abbreviated currency code. Example: GBP.
  • Amount:
    • Invoice Amount with two decimal places.
  • Status:
    • Status of appropriate Purchase Invoice. Should be defined by the conditions of PI completeness.
      • Status of completed PI is empty.
      • Status of incompleted PI is the same as in Incomplete PI Report:
        1) "TC E", if Table Of Charges is empty.
        2) "CT/M E", if CT/M # is empty (outdated status and now should not be saved!).
        3) "TC GT NE PI A", if Table Of Charges Grand Total is not equal to Purchase Invoice Amount (outdated status and now should not be saved!).
        4) "GW CT EZ", if Gross Weight of CT equals zero.
        5) "V/CBM CT EZ", if Volume/CBM of CT equals zero.
        6) "GW M EZ", if Gross Weight of Master equals zero.
        7) "V/CBM M EZ", if Volume/CBM of Master equals zero.
        8) "CT C M EZ", if CT Count of Master equals zero

Master case

We will need to PInv tab on the master level also.