2211 rfd

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  • mantis: 0002211: (Daily) For ALL clients need to customize report

Business Analysis

Business Needs

No Truck-Dom

  • Module owner does NOT want to see ANY Trucking-Domestic CT records on this report.


  • Also is required make CT # as a hyperlink. But if more multiple lines items for CT, do not repeat hyperlink, make only 1st mention of CT a hyperlink.


  • For Air CT is required show the greater of the two weights, chargeable weight or gross weight:
  • if chargeable weight is greater than gross weight then show chargeable weight,
  • if chargeable weight is not greater than show gross weight.
  • For CTs with MOT = Ocean FCL (AW, MLB) is required show the actual container count per CT record.
  • Example: CT record has container # AAAA 123456-7 & container # BBBB 456789-0, show container count: 2.
  • When MOT = Ocean LCL - show the total CBM.

Systems Analysis


No Truck-Dom

  • exclude Trucking-Domestic CTs from report


  • If CT takes multiple lines in report then only first line should show CT number as hyperlink.


  • AIR: Is required show greater of the weights. Chargeable Weight (a.k.a. ExpTab.17b: Chargeable weight) complies with the condition in requirement.
    Just need to add it to list of output fields.
  • OCEAN-FCL: Is required show container count. In addition to the fact that we have "Container Description" field we need to add new output field "Container Count".
  • OCEAN-LCL: Is required show total CBM. We already have output field "Cubic Meters" for this.

Architect Review

Implementation Notes

QA Plan


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