Purchase Invoice Tab

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Revision as of 23:13, 29 November 2010 by Andrei (Talk | contribs)
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Business Needs and Requirements

This tab should be in each CT record to:

  • see existing purchase invoices of current CT
  • add new purchase invoice for current CT
  • NOTE: this should be in addition to the current location of add new purchase invoice (Main Menu> Acc> Add New Purchase Invoices).

Technical Specification

Figure 1:Purchase Invoice Tab


  • See Media:Purchase_Invoice_Tab.JPG
  • This component is located on "Purchase Invoice Tab" (PInv) on CT profile
  • It consists of:
    • Purchase Invoice menu
    • Purchase Invoices Table

Invoice menu

  • Add - user have to press this button to issue a new Purchase Invoice. As a result New Purchase Invoice Template will appear (see wiki article: Purchase Invoice).
  • Edit - user have to press this button to edit an existing Purchase Invoice. As a result pre- filled Purchase Invoice Template will appear.
  • Remove - user have to press this button to remove an existing Purchase Invoice from CT2. As a result confirmation window will appear.

Purchase Invoices Table

It contains all Purchase Invoices ever issued for this CT.

It consists of 7 columns.

  • Document#:
    • "Invoice No" attribute.
  • Date Issued:
    • Date when Purchase Invoice was issued. Displayed in standard CT2 date format. Example: 10-Aug-2010.
  • Office:
    • Jaguar Office that received this accounting document.
  • Vendor:
    • Vendor Company name of Purchase Invoice. Displayed as Unique Id: Company Name - City - Remark.
  • Currency:
    • Name of document currency. Displayed as abbreviated currency code. Example: GBP.
  • Amount:
    • Invoice Amount with two decimal places.
  • Status:
    • Status of appropriate Purchase Invoice. Should be defined by the conditions of PI completeness.
      • Status of completed PI is empty.
      • Status of incompleted PI is:
        1) "TC E", if Table Of Charges is empty.
        2) "CT/M E", if CT/M # is empty (should not be saved!).
        3) "V/CBM CT EZ", if Volume/CBM of CT equals zero.
        4) "V/CBM M EZ", if Volume/CBM of Master equals zero.
        5) "TC GT NE PI A", if Table Of Charges Grand Total is not equal to Purchase Invoice Amount (should not be saved!).


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